

Half truths And The Last Story Ever
Those eyes seen it all but would it change in her favor. Would life
finally throw her a windfall an
She could walk into the sun and
disappear. So the car would not
start.Then a strange came and gave
a hot shot to the car. Then after 20
minutes of hooking up the two
engines. the car was great and she unhooked the cables and jumped in
thanks man no problem. Then they
parted ways and she went to the
meeting but if she stopped the car
it may not run again. So times you
could drive a car an not know that
the stick shift used car was hurting
you to drive. But it got you from
point a to point be. So she did a trade
in and got a fairly new model thanks.
An gave up her keys. Then he gave her
the keys to the new car. It looked great
but the car had secrets that the seller
did not know. So it drives smooth
she takes it to put more gas in. And
An auto shop checks it for her. And
they find nothing wrong so she was
like yes they did not sell me a lemon.
So then she thanks the guy for checking
the engine. An she off on her day so she
pulls to the side of the road . An puts
a new Ice Air freshener to hang from
the car with a wonderful smell to it.
Then for some reason she puts the music on and looks in the glove compartment and sees the book a dairy
so she cut the lock and inside it had
pages cut into a box shape. And money
in book. What is this so it had a note.
This my stash and if you reading this
something happened to me. No name
on this book or inside. So I count it
and sure enough it's 7000 dollars.
So I put it in my pocket and roll the windows up covid An stronger stands
so it was dangerous to be out I had my
mask on which I put on in the car.
Then the radio of the car came on
I was like what the world. Then it
was a news man saying we just opened
the drive in casino. Yes brand new come down and drive in make. memories and
take home a grand or millions. So she
like its a day dream it's got to be but
can I turn these tables and make it
work for me. yes and no one would be
the wiser. So she went there and she
drove around it was a huge stay in your
car bet on things fights and watch on huge tv's outside racing of all kinds.
Then she saw it. The card game slots
so she put a thousand in and the bells
went off and the man came over. I
won so how much he opened the
machine. And read the readings well
it looks like you did not win what
but the lights and the sign came up.
But what was going on was employee
theft. So I won but he lied and after
work when he left the place I followed
him he went to the ATM. And then
I got my gun and said hey man you
told me a story give me the rest of my
winnings.An he like how did you know. Well you put some of my cheese
in the ATM.Then you here try to
spend the rest give me 21,000 and I will
forget that you did this to me and my gun will go away. So he does I won
a half of million . And only got 21,000
but at least I had that. So I got it and 🏃 away from the guy. I will never go
back to that casino again. So I ride fast
out of the area. No one is the wiser and the guy I took it from not going to talk
because. He stole from a customer and
when you work at them kind of places
if you do that you can never work
there again. So he would be fired for
losing to me. So why did he do that
the world will never know. But I do
know one thing my windfall hit even
if I had to take back part of what I
lost by some body else's story which
they created to defraud me from what
I knew to be true I won. But you made
it look like a loss. The three scenes matched and. even with that the place
still did not pay me what was mine
I had to take it. Then I said to myself
as I drive if I buy a scratch off an win
by chance no one will take it right.
Wrong. I ride with a friend I give him
the ticket he gives it to the lady that
works at the casino pay window. And she say I will take it in the back to check. But it gets to be 30 minutes and she don't come back. And another lady
comes back with 5.00 so I am like what
that was to be 5000 dollars. So she goes
back in the back and yells well I get the lady for you. Then 20 minutes pass. An
she finally comes back we wanted our ticket back. So when you go to a casino
they are to pay you but yet again someone trays to get over.An the other lady lies for her friend saying she went
out the back door. So I am like no way
not again but yes it happened and I am
like what is with these workers stealing
my ends. I never got the money from that or the ticket back. And we went
around the back door no lady. An now
I don't play as much because others judge and steal. Then tell people
we don't like her. But the. ending does
not mean you. are to defraud a winner
and then use what I win against me
like who made you. in change. of my
purse. So why. evil can lie talking lies
like give her lessons. But really under
that lesson they do wrong by telling
others to defraud me. When I may never get the chance again to win.
And they lied about me win. So they do two wrongs in the eyes of all watching. But character rise you as
wrong. No these evils are wrong and
some have disappeared with money
that they don't even rightfully own
hmmmm. But they will look you in your face and say no not a winner or sneak out the back door with the ticket
and change your life for the worst for at least that day they pulled that drama
on you. And you never get a winner

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