

A letter to my teachers

Happy Teachers day!

This article is dedicated to my teachers because of whom I am capable enough to write this.

Thank you would be a very small word for your efforts which you all have put in to shape my personality, but still I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. In India from the Vedic age, teachers were given a place above God, and they should be because a teacher is one who guides us and shows us the right path. Teachers are just like a ‘lamp in the dark night’. Just like a lamp help us find a way in a dark night, the same is the case with teachers, like lamp they guide us towards the right path in the journey of life. Teaching is the only occupation for which we have not developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. Teaching is the only profession that shapes every other profession.

Remembering all my teachers from kindergarten till today, this article is my token of love and respect for them. Recalling the old days from my childhood, my very first teacher was my Poonam aunty. She was the one who used to teach me and take care of all my academics. It was because of her my parents used to relax and be carefree about my studies. She used to be very strict at times but also very encouraging and till today she motivates and guides me in every aspect of life. Thank you so much fua.

Coming to primary school, I remember Mary teacher. She used to be an epitome of encouragement and never failed to appreciate her students in any way possible. Our notebooks used to be flooded with stars and excellent and it used to be very motivating for us.

Then I remember Ranjana mam, a very strict math teacher(I used to be very scared of her), Elizabeth mam, Poly teacher, Rama bai mam, Sudha mam, Geeta teacher, Jagdamba mam, Moushami teacher.

I would also like to thank my then tuition teacher Mani Bhushan sir. I remember he taught me tenses in English. It is because of him I am good at tenses ( I am not being immodest).

Thank you all for laying the foundation of my education and persona.

Then coming to high school I can remember Utapala mam, my history teacher. Though I never liked history it was her teaching skills that helped me to get through it. Then there was Sunanda mam, a very strict geography teacher, Jibhach Jha sir our physics teacher. I admire him a lot and is fond of his patience.

I can remember Shobha mam my chemistry teacher, Lakshami mam my bio teacher,Johri mam (the most gorgeous one, my Hindi teacher). I was a fan of her teaching and beauty. Frankly speaking, I used to stare at her during classes and was startled how she used to maintain her (sorry mam). Then I remember Shabnam mam who used to teach Julius Caeser of Shakespeare in English literature. It’s because of her efforts and teaching skills that reading Shakespeare’s English seemed to be a cakewalk.

Sharmistha mam my English language teacher is my favorite. She used to be my teacher cum friend. I used to share all my problems with her, and she never failed to guide me. As I remember in the 9th standard I was diffident to host an event, it was she who encouraged me.

Then I remember Samir Sir, our chemistry teacher in the 12th standard. I have never seen such a cool and genius person in my life. There was a time when he helped the whole batch by clearing concepts of physics when our physics teacher was not able to attend school.

I would also like to thank Lakhbir sir, my tuition teacher. He has a unique way of teaching and it is used to keep our interests in the subject alive.

Coming to college I can remember Ravda sir, my instrumentation teacher. I have never met a person like him. In addition to the ocean of knowledge, he is a very good human being. He is an amalgamation of knowledge and values.The most down to earth person with a fascinating smile. His teaching skills helped me a lot to get through the subject. Not only MI, he is a jack of all trades. He used to help me with electrical machines and power systems too.

There are many more teachers in my life, but to keep it short I am ending it here.

I am still in the learning phase and I really hope to meet many more great teachers.

Once again I would like to thank all my teachers, and I am sorry if I have missed anyone’s name.

© Shwetasingh29
