

The Darkness To The Moonlight...

Sometimes I wonder that if I had some kind of powers to explore the things or to help the people that is the main priority and humanity might be or I thought so.
No wonder that it could be exist to myself as many thoughts are still going on my mind. But I believe in all this super natural activities and I love to be part of it.
As myself nothing much to tell about but I am alisha drex 18 yrs old and I am sociology student at st.thomas high school I stay with my uncle or sometimes in hostel.they called me sometimes might be they care for me.
Next morning I had attended the lectures of that weird alex stint .he is professor and I hate him always has something to put on.
Probably I am working with a electronic shop and mr. Robinson Stewart is nice man .he always care for me because he is my uncle best friend.moving forward that important actually I said "hi mr Stewart, goodmorning. He replied" darling why you are not attending the call of your uncle he called you many times, just speak with him .he is worried for you .i said ok I will call him in the evening.
He prefer to give a some snacks that I liked so much .but I am thankful for his kindly gesture towards me.on the same day around 7pm the lady got entered and she is asking some kind of weird things and probably I don't know exactly what language she was mumbling.what she needs I said wait I should call my uncle .she was breathing heavily and saying" Wara wara go behasto ".i really wondering what she was saying.
Unfortunately the light came and she was disappeared. I got scared what was that .i didn't say anything about it to anyone because no one will believe me.i was still thinking about all this stuff happened.i just want to forget it and move on it.that evening I prefer to stay with my uncle house.i was day with the day and heading up to the uncle home . on the parkways I was walking lonely and alone .i thought some one is called my name and passing through my ear I heard the voice " I owe you are mine".i was walking down fast and got too scared. I stood up finally my uncle home .he was happy to see me .welcome dear you didn't inform me that you are coming to residence. I should make some tasty treats for you dear.
I didn't replied anything I straight up goes to my room and got freshup then my uncle was called me for dinner .he said that that your favorite macaroni and cheese pasta.
I want to speak this things with my uncle I think he also don't believe what I was saying to him.
The night was too horrible to look the darkest sky and the moon was gleaming and have some sparked on it.all things are too quick for me even I doesn't have choice for that night I didn't sleep well.
Next morning I woked up I found something odd and unusual everything got vanished from the place I couldn't find my uncle I started giving him called .mr Johnson uncle where you have existed .no answer I got .somewhere an image has been bought in front of me it kind of human or lady might be.the same lady that came to the shop yesterday with unstable condition and got invisible with some time. I asked her what you want from me .she smiled and said that I am part of her .she wants to be with that power who I had since my origin .what power??what I don't get you...
She said me about my mom Janette.that she had powers to make a person alive and many people given life because of her.she belief that the same powers are their with me also . but I don't know about anything that still exist with myself.I think I should offered her an agreement .she agreed but I said you should freeze me from here first.she had open the gate of evilness.
Back to my home I just told everything to my uncle and asked about my parents who they are how they died. He told me after my birth your mom started losing her power because she had implemented in you .you are very precious child with the power who have you don't know about anything about .your mother told me to protect you from all kind of evil and witches.your mom died because she insure you from all this things .she said never told until you got know by yourself.and this will work to knowing yourself.
After all this year's I protected you with this things your dad has been killed by witches and your mom got killed by other evil powers.
I think you should enough to understood and you will never misused this energies and powers.
This strength of mankind that you can protect they had come to betrayed you again .they want to consumed your powers and to caged this world with their powers.
I never abandoned my powers to anyone I will insure with myself never let to anyone .the revenge begins to end the depravity and evilness.....