

The small little things
At times we may feel decades of our lives had just gone without any significance. Especially at the last year of our 20s, 30s or even 40s...

We tend to look for great moments, big bangs and highlights; missing something beautiful right before our eyes.

The small things called blessings...

When you know there are people who truly care and love you. Where your life is celebrated, your small achievements glorified. When you have people cheering you; your win is their success. When you have people who believes in you and help you try for greater things. Where they appreciate your presence in their lives and see your real beauty. Where they lift you up when you are on your knees. When people want nothing but the best for you and walk with you when you need it the most. Where you are never left alone. When you can be just your true self and be loved for who you are. The list can go on forever if you look for these little moments.

Savour these little moments. They're what life is. The small beautiful things that happen while you are waiting for something else.

The best portion of your life will be the small nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you..

Cherish these little portions in life. For one day you'll look back and realise they were the big things....the blessings.