

The lie of the world.. it was my only truth. Life as the last one left to know. The life that was never mine.
im the one you love to hate
im the one who lost it all
the one who never knew at all
im the burden the lost cause
im the girl who sucks at life
and no one ever cared thats why
if i had did better if i would have tried
too bad i didnt matter enough
too bad my worth was just a lie
too bad i was predestined by earth to die
if only i wasnt so damn blind
i cant even face the truth my life is nothing more than one big lie
too bad it was your lie
i told u the truth im flawed ibhave proof
im human just like you!!!
dont look at yourself juat look at me
God that girls a sight to be seen
now shes blaming us for her life
my life? or yours? whos was it really?
did i really get to have mine fully?
was i allowed to know the truth at any given time? oh God not the truth
she could never admit the truth
im the biggest lie of alltime!!!
who really committed the biggest crime???
the one who said i need Jesus because im juat me i need the help of the one who loves me? if it wasnt for Jesus i would be dead.. id never know love id have nothing to give
instead i give up me for you
i always come last i give everyone what they desire besides me
i would have given them anything to know of true love a life that had meaning.. somthing valid .. maybe the meaning of truth comes from love
maybe if i wasnt your lie i would have to live like a worthless person does
i truely have felt the most worthless of all
i wasnt even worth ur reality..not truth.. not love..
what would life had been if i had worth from day #1?
do u think it would be different if you had told me i mattered not left me to find the truth is just one bog LIE
what is my desitiny u think? oh yeah to die.. what choice do i have..
u made me the one ... the biggest loser
the only one who never mattered yet i mattered to put on a show
i was a game just meant to be played.. u know.. i should have won???
how the fuck do i win and what is the prize.. the greatest trick is on you!!!
you silly loser God get a clue!!!!
Paris u fool u didnt do it right
if only i tried harder if only i was God himself.. that would be the only way...
too bad im just human too bad im outplayed.. im the mossing link.m goodbye.. now forget me like ur spose to i swear u better not cry.. u wanna act like u cared? lol its a little to late im a little to done my life is over but just imagine if it had a chance to ve different if i had a family who believed in me ever or tried
if i had a real relationship that lasted that mattered not just to me but to you? oh yeah u didnt care enough ever tonstick by my side.. u just wanted to look away so it wouldnt be so hard whdn i died. if my life was mine i would have mattered to you since i mattered to u then my life WAS mine... but guess what ot wasnt really mine ever... it was all YOURS
YOU ALL LIED i had no way to go nothing to hide.. I TRIED. You all kept me feom me when u turned away and decided u couldnt see. See me know? All fucked up for the show.. can i get a round of applause for the GREAT LOST CAUSE!!
the biggest loser the last one to know.. guess what i bet my regret wont be not doing enough. i did enough it wasnt for me it was for the truth and for love. GOD is love GOD is truth. GOD is life if he wasnt i wouldnt still be alive... im surrounded by death im the truth amung lies im flawed damaged and sinful but amazing and perfect in Gods eyes. He loved me the same always at all times. His word is unchanged and stayes the same. God didnt play games he died for the truth. He loved the world so much he had to die so they would see. He took the place of the sin so they could live. He did it for you and for me. I knew the real teuth feom the beginning but i was the truth amug lies. i didnt have a chance in hell. Hell was mine. I lived it all in the wholes eyes. They watched me cry try lie get high live a life that never ment more than anything but was just a ticket to suffer and eventually die. To my sick horror they all know of my stuggles!!! I wasnt alone just foegotten despised hated and the object of the greatest lie. The stupid one who was a fool to all and boy she sure knew once it cane to light ... what would anyone do!! haha bitch look at you!!! ur gunna die and were gunna watch and pretent we dont know cuz ur not worth the truth. ur not worth love you ARE only worth abuse. and pain because you are you!! hahahah!! just look theres nothing u can do and no one cares we all know and theres nothing u nor I ia ever gunna do. We will never admit that we ever knew you. you are a disgrace and u didnt matter. u were the dfinition5of a person we could USE. your like an object we play with we watch what you'll do. we stand back and smile and tell u we care but its just between us your our game and we played u to win it was easy u didnt stand a chance u vs the world ur the biggest loser we ever saw. the greatest lost cause .. what a loss that was caused.. the world worked togsther to play one big game the object was murder the player was me and my fame. you watched me lose it all so u could have somone to blame look at that loser sge does drugs and sge steals and sge lies. what cause is her life its no good she wont look at herself shes the worst ever.. she's blind...
blind indeed... freed feom rhe truth?? they say ignorance us bliss but if tour not ignorent how do u have bliss? maybe i was just missing somthing? perhaps a reason to live... a true real connection.. somthing solid... maybe just a real life... was i just fake? am i just imagining me? maybe i dont exist? lets see. hmm do u know that i know about you? what do u have to say now? nothing? im not worth anything still? if before i die i could just have ypu all look me dead in the eye and admit im real and i did matter once upon a time.. at least that i wasnt just a big lie destined to live for nothing have nothing be nothing then die. just for once if my life had meaning just for a moment maybe i woulnt have misery as life till the biitter end dont worry im just dreaming when i wake up evwrythong will be normal and none of this will ever matter i wont remember nothing it diesnt matter no one wins in the end not u not i said the fly.. i once knew a lady who swallowed a fly. i dont know why she sswallowed the fly .. perhaps shel die. the end