

Rooms (Anime Episodes)|Episode 1

© Arhis'Tm | Season 1 , Episode 1.

New Posts Every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday's!Episode 1 Out Now!

I will be Doing work In Between the time which the story is uploaded.

And There , I remembered All of it.-

My head it hurts so badly , all that I can see is the darkness in the room ...
The lack of light scares me , the silence too. There I wondered, where am I? I would have never come here alone , have I been kidnapped? No , no that's impossible, I cannot remember anything , have I been drugged? "I continued interrogating myself ." UNTIl...

"CREAK!" , I heard the door open , as I wondered from which section of the room it is. I tried holding my breath in fare of being caught. I hugged myself titely as I prayed. Trying my best to hold my breath for as long as possible.I could hear it breathing , the sound coming closer and closer , UNTIL...