

One day I think I realized people are scared of fears. Put simply, they fear fear. Fear creates limits. Fear is the same motivation that makes us set rules and limits for our children not to get hurt, yet we are appawled by it, by its very existence within ourselves. I think we are not doing it justice. I think we are hypocrites. We like fear and we willingly instill it in others as much as it serves our goals. The second thing you know, we hate it, we need to overcome it, exorcise it for good if possible and burn it in the pits of hell.
Duality is the main ingredient our whole world is based upon. We somehow believe that we are good enough to transcend that but we manage to majestically stumble upon something like fear. What is the cause of fear, once you attempt to eliminate this dualism and this means that you are supposed to change your perspective on what is the root of fear.
I believe its root is love. Excessive one I might add.
Out of love of self you disdain the idea of being hurt. Your being wishes to prevent suffering from happebing to you, so it takes whatever brought you misery, along with unknown and possibly scary shit whose chances of murdering your precious molecules is higher, and turn it into fear, boundaries, limits and so on. And then that love of self, having such a good self esteem, turns this "knowledge" into education and passes it on. Most likely, there are people out there, who might have lived fearless lives had it been for you showing up and spreading some "divine" wisdom from the bottom of your ignorant, narcississtic ass.
Now....how do you get over fear of whatever it is? You acknowledge it and you stop rejecting it and you talk to it. You calm it down, and reassure that whatever will come, you need it to lend you its power, because together, you will be able to overcome whatever it is. Tell Fear that it is not a life and death situatuon, it's just an opportunity to transform into something better. And it that being of yours really loves you that much, it will give you freedom to choose whatever makes you a better person.
This is where will comes into play. Once you have finished this interior meeting of yours, your will is your ultimate move which pushes you and fueos you into whatever you come accross.
Surely by now you realized that will itself is enough to get over any type of fear, provided you have the necessary amount of motivation to act upon whatever it is that you want to accomplish. Then why talk to Fear? Because you are a considerate human being, not a narcississtic asshole and because being aware is the best approach to solve internal shit and bring peacefulness into your life, and balance your emotions.