

They were hushed murmures and gaspes then silence poppy decided not to think about it since she felt too depressed already, the king dragged her father closer to his face to say something poppy couldn't hear,she watched her father's expression change from humor to seriousness,his lips quirked then he laughed.the king looked at him with disgust then punched him again,he groaned " oh damn it! those assholes better by me a martini for going through this again"
"fa-ther!"poppy wailed,hot tears clouding her eyes ,she forced it back, "I have no reason for tears" she muttered, her father spat out blood and laughed "don't worry flower we will be out of this soon" she glared at him, anger bumping through her veins was he really mad "you are crazy!"

suddenly his eyebrows quirked,"bingo! you're right flower I am crazy" . she frowned tears filling her eyes again, she was disappointed at him, at herself! for been useless, she sniffed sadly, her eyes widened, realization hit her hard she laughed happiness warming her heart ,the king stared at her with keen eyes.

He came to her and the soldiers raised her like she was some kind of toy to play with she was forced to stare into the black absorbing yet dreadful eyes "oh my king have you forgotten me"her father said the king ignored him.

He raised his hand and touched her face solemnly she winced moving away from his touch.Suddenly, her father gave a long high pitched whistle " do not forget me I am your saviour fre....." the king raised his hand and the twines crawled to her father's mouth shutting him up.

He touched her again trailing down to her neck she grimaced wanting to puke on him. he laughed "finally,I have found my treasure" he stepped aside and looked at her father, poppy was confused as the soldiers slowly dropped her down.

Cassio struggled against the twines "I have found my treasure"the king said pointing at her neck. His heart seized a beat, he remembered vividly that his first experience wasn't like this, he lost the king's attention already exactly why it was a perfect time for plan B.

The twines crawled away from his face "ah!" he sighed "thank you very much, now I don't care if you mind or not but me and my daughter will be taking our leave" the king laughed bemused " leave? through where and how do you intend to " cassio sighed nodding his head

"through where?,the obvious" he butted his head towards the plantation"how do we intend to?, with a little bit of help" the king laughed soldiers joined in"and whose help do you speak of?"

"theirs" cassio said looking forward, their attention was drawn to the house he gave a little laugh for the disbelief etched on their faces, he didn't expect them to understand but he was glad the king could not see through his work, the blood in his veins rushed madly excited the king looked at him.

"what are you talking about there is nothing but a house"the king said laughing the soldiers joined him cursing and insulting,cassio smiled " the more you know,the more you know you don't know".

immediately, a claw mark appeared on a soldiers face he fell screaming, more claw marks appeared on his body it seemed like he was been eaten by some invisible animal,other soldiers fell down.

Her environment became a place of screams and confusion one's face seemed to have been eaten away,she saw the twines shred off her father"good boy" he said the soldiers let go of her running "no!" the king growled reaching out for her a scream tore from her lips as she landed her fibble hand on her face the king groaned touching his face and glared at her "you tiny weasel!" he cursed.

Her father out of know where landed a blow on his face sending him to the floor "that's for hurting my daughter, bingo keep him busy" cassio said to thin air she heard a growl and shivered wondering where it came from cassio grabbed her arm "let's go" he said she followed him galdly not caring about her hand pink from the pain of slapping someone, nor her hole infested clothes tinted with blood from the thorns that destroyed her once clear skin.

They glided past the trees her shoulder collided with one of the palm trees she yelped in pain but kept on running tears slipped down her face as she struggled to breathe with her burning lungs she slipped on a decaying log hand digging into it's soft murky texture her father raised her up and they continued running thunder out of nowhere struck overhead she whimpered as bumps surfaced from her skin.

She squeezed her father's hand for she knew he was her only strength, dark clouds formed overhead lighting crackled "damnit! where are you Minos" her father shouted claps of thunder disturbed the sky, lighting crackled down the Earth causing trees before them to explode in flames , a tree behind her father started to fall "father move!" she yelled pushing her father closer to her ,the tree fell beside them, she patted her chest relieved, twigs and tweeting birds flew past them as the fire spread harsh smell of smoke assailed her nose she sneezed rubbing it.

The wind increased it's pace, she squeezed her father's arm trying to calm down her bounding heart ,"father.... why is this happening" she asked covering her eyes against the harsh environment,her father looked at her with a blank expression. "this is happening because the king wants you" . she frowned

oh gods help us she wailed inwardly I never knew my one decision would lead to this if I hadn't gone back the king would have never found the rosary and my father would still have escaped why am I so foolish "we are struck poppy there is no way out" her father said disrupting her thoughts she looked around realizing there trapped in a fist of burning trees.

" The fire must have spread" her father said "there is no place to run to" , she inhaled deeply trying to control herself but sneezed her nose itched from the harsh smell of burning trees " but father what about those invisible creatures could there not help us?"

"they hate fire"

"what about bingo?"

"he is one of them too"

"oh...! the king will come and tramp on us".

cassio looked at her with a frown where are you Minos he thought frustrated, the king was going to find them any moment from now and they will be or rather he will be a head without a body "did you think running away from me would be so easy?" a voice boomed from behind him "shit!" he cursed then turned back to face him, he his dragged his daughter to his back trying his best to ignore her whimpers. He lost her before, he lost himself before he can't have that repeated again. he had to bail until Minos showed up.

She digged her fingers into his back,cassio smiled she's a lot like her mother"i find it foolish, that demoirans would trust a petty human like you to bring their saviour to them"the king's voice boomed, the flames died down in a spot enough for the king to pass through then increased back to normal "or maybe they felt I wouldn't find you didn't they"
Cassio grinned" technically speaking yes!"
"fools!" he said smiling cassio squeezed his nose as a familiar irritating smell exerted from the king "flower cover your nose" he warned, the king suddenly shaked like he was been electrified he heard a gasp behind him then quickly covered her eyes as the king clawed off his skin growling like a night beast hungry for nothing but meat , cassio glared at him in disgust as dreading his true form dark and slimy skin with red eyes and white hair the once king raised his hands flexing his thinly stretched muscles and lanky body slim slowly dripped to the ground, he sighed cracking his back "finally... peace"
"can't you do something about you stink" cassio asked angrily,the creatures grinned flashing brown rotten teeths "we white brothers are proud of our beauty"
"yah right that's why you'll hide in white cloaks"
"cloak represents our purity"
"purity my foot"
"let's go down to business now shall we?"
"the girl!"
cassio smiled grimly"not until am dead!".The white brother raised a white eyebrow then snorted "very well if that's the case then I don't mind killing you"
cassio tensed up,poppy squirmed behind him he swallowed hard"eh Minos any best time would be now" he muttered frustration building in his chest, the white brother raised his hand like he was about to grasp thin air and twines tangled together from the ground to form a long white staff , his throat dried like a well that hasn't tasted water for a year,the staff seemed fragile but he knew exactly what it could do.
poppy tugged at his clothes he groaned frustrated he could call his pets if they were still alive but they wouldn't dare come here and that meant he was busted.the white brother pointed the staff at him with speed. "die!" he yelled,
"shit!" cassio cursed he turned and hugged poppy to protect her from his attack. In less than a moment the atmosphere buzzed with a energy different from the white brother's a hole cracked open in front of them.Cassio felt a sharp force whisp past his ear leaving a ring behind. he heard the white brother scream then looked back to see him slumping to the floor he sighed relieved "oh my goodness" poppy gasped he looked back at the hole as a black man draped in a black coat walked out of it holding a gun with a grim face, cassio grinned"what took you so long?"
"I will explain on the way come on" cassio felt poppy's resistance he looked at her then smiled, he had forgotten how the his cold heart melted whenever he looked into his daughter's deep blue eyes, she was the only reason why he fought. But now those eyes held worry "it is okay poppy he is here to help us"
"what is th...th...that thing at his back" she whispered, her voice shaking
"I cannot explain now but I can promise you that it won't hurt you if you hold my hand" she glared at him then looked at the white brother, She shaked her head vigorously"I don't want to be here either let's go"
"great!" cassio grinned then,Minos walked into he sighe led her into the dark nature of the hole