

Frozen Hell | 8.3
"What's your name?" asked the ice devil.
"Kanomai Sake."
The ice demon was slightly shocked. "So… is that you?"
"What? Do you know me?"
"Almost. My brother told me you might come."
"your brother?..."
"They call him Prometheus."
I fell to the ground in shock. Prometheus... had a brother and his brother was an ice demon!!

"The one who is my friend...!"
"Your friend? My brother is very lonely and isolated. How can he find a friend?" He grinned.

Lonely and isolated? What was he talking about?... Prometheus was very social... he was very happy...

"Well, he told me that if you came, he would bring you back to life... Actually, you didn't die. Just because your soul is separate from your body, when your soul dies, you are considered dead."
"Oh my gosh! I'll be back!!"

The ice demon put his hand on my forehead and whispered something softly.

Then everything went black.