

LGBTQ community
I should choose my family or Happiness.
Everyone knows the community of LGBTQ (Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning or Queer). Everyone judge this community College because they are denying with God who made them.This group of people who are in LGBTQ community they face many challenges like being abused, judge, disowned or killed so what they must do like this girl called,
Jane grew up living with her mother and grandmother. We know when you are a teenager many things changes ,you start dating so Jane was a teenager and she dated boys but she wasn't happy those boys we spoiling her but she knew this is not right. Jane was a girl so every girl dreams about her future husband and Jane did that so she grew up and one a girl came to her and asked her out . They dated Jane felt happy with the that girl. Jane realised that she is an lesbian,then her future husband came and she introduced him to her family and they welcomed him but Jane wasn't happy she loves that girl so she was engaged and the wedding was going to be in few days so Jane had a chance to tell her family everything but her family didn't approve it. They told her if she decides to be a lesbian or bisexual they will disown her and that girl was making her happy so Jane didn't know what to do. whether to choose her family or her happiness?
Tell me on the comments what Jane should choose.
I love you all💖💋💖
By :Phelang Mokoena