

About the book.
The moral of " I Chained my nightmare".

I Chained my nightmare is about how I escaped my past experiences through out my life...The meaning behind the title of the book is how I escaped my past experience and allowed myself to lock it up at a far distance away from my new life. The word "chain" in the title is when I was chained up with the abuse for years and I finally broke free and being strong enough and finding courage within me to chain up my past to never follow me on my road to happiness and success. I am writing this book for a valid reason to my readers. Reason being is that I wouldn't be here today. In addition to that I almost committed suicide multiple times of jumping off a bridge.This book is how I went through my pain in silence, trying to survive more endless days, and all failures I went through. The book holds the true meaning of "a hard life through bullying".