

I started to pray, asking GOD for a reason to fight. A selfish reason that only benefits me. I didn't want to get better for family or friends. I had already given my life to help them. I didn't want to continue neglecting myself. I kept praying but I didn't get a satisfactory answer. I wanted to give up before I started.
Then out of the blue, my father who lives in another country. Pops up on social media and spoke to me.He denied that I was his daughter from birth to 29years. He didn't know about my issues. This was a shock for me.
He said" do you still think I am your father". I said "do you still think you're not ". I then said "it have paternity test that can be taken". He said "do you want to take one" , I said "Yes it will ease both of our minds".
So he kept his word and came in the country and saw me. He brought his girlfriend to see if I resemble him. Now he met me multiple times in the past throughout my life. He just denied that I was his daughter. His girlfriend met me for the first time and said "Yes she is your kid". Now I was puzzled because I couldn't understand how a stranger who just met me saw what he couldn't see before.