

Realm Of Death
Season 1 , Episode 1

Prince Marris pulled back the bridles fastened around the stallion and brought the horse to a halt. He surveyed the scene before him and sighed in disbelief. Dead bodies were everywhere. This was certainly the work of Queen Meghan, no doubts. The queen was brutal and loved bloodshed but why had she chosen this small village and massacred the civillians like animals?

The question worried the little Prince and he ran a hand through his long blonde hair. He glanced up and saw smoke erupting from the bushes and swirling into the clouds. He smirked as he drew his binoculars and looked through. The perpetrators had made a campfire.

Marris felt rage spiking through his spine seeing all these dead people. They were massacred for no plausible reasons. He groped for his sword and soothed the hilt as he placed the binoculars in the pouch fastened around his waist.

"Hyah!" He shouted, gripped the bridles and galloped into the bushes.


Marris brought his stallion to an abrupt halt and dismounted. He peered at the three swordsmen sitting on boulders and roasting a lamb. They were conversing, laughing and giggling. Marris whistled and they all swivelled to face him.

The tall, square-shouldered sowrdsman, probably the leader unsheathed his weapon and sprang to his feet.

"No one wanders in the Queen's lands without a permit!" he bellowed.

Marris walked towards the group.

"I see you guys did a great job. Why did you attack Gardena and massacred all the villagers?"

The swordsmen looked askance at him and burst out laughing as if he had said something funny.

"We don't owe you any explanation, do we?" The leader said and brandished his sword. Marris nodded.

"If you don't want to feel my blade you won't try my patience," he said brusquely.

The leading swordsman thrust at Marris with his wepaon and swung it in his direction. Marris parried the sword and drew his blade. A fight was on. The swordsmen proved to be a very good fighter with the moves he displayed. Marris was impressed. He tried to plunged the blade into Marris' chest but he outwitted him and slashed his throat. The others watched in stunned silence as their leader fell to the floor with a loud thud. Marris glanced angrily at them and sheathed his blade.

"I'm not like your Queen. I hate bloodshed. I consider every life to be sacred. I can't create man so don't compel me to kill you," he said calmly.

The other two swords men surrendered and dropped their weapons.

"Ask us anything," one of them said.

"Did the queen ask you to kill the villagers?" They nodded meekly.


"Queen Meghan wants to provoke your father, the king for him to wage war against her. She wants to feed the goddess with human blood so the pyramid will be full."

"The pyramid that contains the spirit of the goddess?" Marris asked anxiously. His eyebrow puckered.


"But why?"

"She wants to become..."

A dagger flew from nowhere and struck the swordman before he could finish his statement. Another followed and it hit the second. They both fell to the ground writhing.

Marris' eyes popped open as he tried absorbing what he just saw. No sooner had he vaulted over his stallion than someone behind struck him with a log. Marris turned around, grabbed the back of his head and gasped. His vision was blurry. He could only see a woman in a long cloaked gown.

"A-Arla, why?" he asked and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

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