

A Life Forgotten, A Life Remembered Part 19

        Part 19
Destination Unknown

  Staring out the window, I watched the street lights go by.

I thought about the questions that filled my head, and how they seemed to have been put on pause.

I needed to shake off the aloofness I was in, and decided it was time to break this awkward silence.

I asked,
  " Malekai, can you tell me where we're going?"

He said,
  " I'm not at liberty to say Ms. Shannon."

  A memory of Sam came to me when I told him that he was put together all wrong.

Sam a serious, and firm business man, yet he's kind, helpful, and courteous. Intimidating to some, yet sweet, with a silly sense of humor that not everyone gets to see.

  I get the same feeling with Malekai.
Though I've seen his gentle demeanor, I feel like an innocence was lost, or taken from him. There's a sadness in those green eyes, that may have been carried for a very long time.

  Though I don't know him, I feel there is a serious side to him, and if I had better sense, I would be intimidated, if not fear him, because I feel that he is someone to be reckoned with.

  I also believe whole heartedly that he holds a great loyalty for Dominik.
At least that is the impression I get from Malekai.

The lights of an incoming vehicle snapped me out if my thoughts.

  I must say that I  was disappointed that Malekai didn't answer my question, but I'm guessing he sensed this.

He said,
" I was given specific orders of secrecy because this night is a surprise. It is to be a special evening."

   That's just great. Wait, what is he fuckin talking about? Evening!
What time is it?

I asked,
 " Don't you mean morning?"

  He chuckled then said,
" Ms. Shannon we are going into the seventh hour of the next night."

  I was confused. What the hell is going on? I don't remember falling asleep, and I certainly don't remember seeing daylight coming in.

I asked,
" Did I fall asleep?"

He replied,
" At first I wasn't sure, you were quiet for a good while. It wasn't until I had stopped for fuel, that I turned to ask if you needed to use the facilities, or stretch out your legs."

  I stared into nothing, as I tried to remember anything.

He continued,
"You were exhausted after a long night, and since we had a long drive ahead, I figured it would be a good time for you to get some rest. So I decided not to wake you."

I really was tired, and I'm glad he let me sleep.

I said,
  " Good call, thanks!"

  Now, I was anxious to ask him a few questions, and hoped that he would answer them.

I asked,
" Malekai, I have a few questions?"

He politely said,
" I will give you the best answer I am capable of giving."

  Hmm, that's a nice way of telling me, maybe I will, or maybe I won't.

I asked,
" What does Dominik want from me?"

He quickly answered,
  " I believe that Dominik is the best one to answer that."

  Nice dodge on that one. Ok let's try another one.

I asked,
" Who is Dominik, and where is he from?"

  Malekai was a bit of a smartass, I liked that! His response was elusive.

He said,
"Don't you know? You met him at the party, didn't you?
As for where he is from, I wouldn't know. I met him when he employed me."

Sneaky little fucker, alright I'll get back to that one later.

I had serious doubts that he'd answer this one.

I asked
" What is Dorian to him?"

He chuckled then asked,
" What do you mean?

  This reminds me when Mina was the interrogator asking me the questions.

I asked,
  " I mean is she his sibling, cousin, lover, ex-lover, or just a dear friend?"

  He didn't answer right away, and I think I caught an amused expression on his face through the rear view mirror.

He finally said,
" None of the above!"

  What the fuck kind of answer was that. Now I know she's not his mother, and she's too young to be his gma. Malekai had a huge smile on his face as he shook his head.

He said,
 " She's not his sibling, nor his cousin. She's not a lover, or ex-lover!"

I said almost to myself.
  " So they are just really good friends."

  He almost choked with laughter.

He then said,
  " Good friends would require them to like each other!"

  A frown formed on my face, and confusion set in.

I whispered to myself,
  "So negative on the friendship."

  I'm assuming that he heard me because he
gave an affirmative nod.
I have to admit that I am annoyed by his reluctance to spill the beans.

I said,
" Geezus, you're really tight lipped?"

  No answer from the peanut gallery. I was beginning to understand the frustration that Mina felt.

I mumbled to myself,
" Well that's just great!"

  Maybe I should stop the questions, but that just wouldn't be me.

I asked,
"Why does Dorian dislike me? I mean at the party, she showed animosity towards me."

  I wasn't expecting him to answer this one either.
Surprise, surprise!

He said,
"Dorian is complicated, she doesn't like anyone, not even Dominik!"

  Uh huh, so why the jealous act. 
He answered before I could ask.

He said,
"Dorian's ego is huge, and her confidence is immeasurable. She posseses the ability to make anyone do her bidding. None have ever denied her, none have ever resisted her seductive charm, save for one."

  Peachy, an ego maniac desguised as a snobbish snake.

I asked,
" So whatever she wants done, they will do it willingly?"

He answered,
  " Not exactly!"

  With a raised eyebrow, thinking I can't wait to hear how  that talent works.

I asked,
" Care to explain?"

He waited for a moment, then as if he had opened a floodgate, he let the words roll out.

He said,
  " Dorian knows how to plant an idea in someone's mind, then make them believe it was their own, along with their choice to fulfill it."

I said,
  " Like the power of suggestion, ya know, brain washing, hypnosis. I've heard of these tricks."

  Shaking his head in disagreement.

He said,
" It's not the same thing. Those only work on the feeble minded. Individuals who are easily manipulated. Her ability doesn't work like those tricks as you call them. She can snatch the will off even the strongest of minds without them knowing what happened!"

  Impressive, and a little disturbing.

I asked,
" Her charm, you said no one can resist it save for one. Who might that one be?"

  He let out a quiet laugh, but didn't answer. I think he wanted me to take a guess.

  I shrugged my shoulders, and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I said,
" I give up, tell me!"

  He raised his eyebrows, and gave a big smile.

I said,
" You! You're the one that can resist her?"

  He gave me a nod, and I shook my head in wonder. Then I thought, do I want to know if Dominik was feeble minded.

I asked,
  "Has Dominik fallen for her charm!"

Malekai's smile disappeared, and so did mine.

I said,
" Am I right?
He's been seduced by her, but I thought you said they weren't lovers!"

  That explains the scorned lover attitude.
It was ridiculous, the woman is beyond beautiful, and perfect.

  Malekai pulled over to the side of the road, and turned to face me.

He said,
" Ms. Shannon let me tell you something about Dorian, what you think of her is right. You couldn't hit the nail on the head more perfect if you were using Thor's hammer."

Wow, a superhero fan, and he has a sense of humor. I actually love Thor, and Malekai is pretty fuckin cool too.
  Wait a minute, did I just see a smile just now? I wonder if he can read my....Nah, that's crazy...never mind.

He continued,
" As I said, you're right about her, except what she feels for him."

I asked,
  " What do you mean?
So she doesn't have  feelings for him?"

  A long moment passed, and I started to think that perhaps he wasn't sure he should tell me anything more.
I'm glad I was wrong.

He said,
" Yes, she did get him into her snakepit, but the truth is that she feels nothing for him. Never did!"

  I was confused, lovers have to have some kind of feeling for the other. Even if it isn't mutual.

I asked,
" I don't understand, why the drama?"

He replied,
" Dorian wants what she cannot have. As other times before she has enticed him, but this only happens if he allows it to. It's a harmless escapade, and a way for him to blow off some steam. It meant nothing to either of them, until a threat presented itself.
Now it has her undivided attention.!"

I asked,
" What do you mean? What threat?"

He lowered his head, and took a moment before he answered.
When he looked at me
the regret in his eyes told me that he disliked being the bearer of bad news.

He said,
  " It is you Ms. Shannon. You are the reason for Dominik's decision to sever any, and every lure that Dorian has cast. I guess you could say that you have rattled her confidence, and brought it to an unsuitable level. Her ego has lowered down a notch or two, so to speak."

  Damn, before I thought of her as possessive, but I think I'll add aggressive, and possibly dangerous to the personality. Great!

  I wondered if maybe Dominik only thinks he allows her to seduce him.
Malekai answered the words I had not spoken.

He said,
" Her ability was never strong enough to have that kind of hold on him."

  Did he just answer my thoughts? How did he...I was interrupted.

He added,
  " She cannot have him whenever she wants, nor make him want her. Unless he..."

I interrupted, finishing for him.

I said,
" Yes, if he allows it to happen!"

  This was insane, the power to seduce, really what planet did I jump on?
In my mind I formed a mental picture of the woman I met, and transformed her into a possessive, dangerous psycho. Wonderful!

Malekai had a serious expression when he looked at me.

I asked,
  " Do you think she would try to hurt me?"

He said,
" Let me put it to you this way, the party was her idea. She wanted to know the reason behind Dominik's resistance. It became her mission to find out what this reason could possibly have that made his decision to deny her so easy."

  I was in disbelief, and a little pissed off, because this is exactly the kind of shit I don't need. Don't care to deal with a crazy bitch for a guy that doesn't want her. It's ridiculous, and one thing I'll never do. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
  He nodded in agreement to my thoughts, and that too was bizzare.

He continued,
" Now I want to clear this up for you. Dominik had no intentions of entertaining this idea of hers, but he took some time to ponder over it. Though with the unbelievable amount of energy she used to make him agree, Dominik had already made the decision to attend for one reason only.
He wanted to see you, no he needed to see you again!"

I asked,
" Why did he need to see me?"

He answered,
  " Dominik only had to deny her once, and it angered Dorian. Now when she sensed something different in him, well it's what started her mission to seek out the reason for that change. Her anger was building up by the minute, and wasn't going to stop until she found that reason."

I had no words to describe how I was feeling, and believe me I was feeling every thing all at once.

I asked,
  " Then what? What was supposed to have happened when she found that reason?"

Malekai took a moment before he answered.

Then he said,
  " It didn't sit well with Dorian that Dominik preferred another certain someone to satisfy his insatiable need, and she's not going to let that go. What you felt when you met her, she was indeed sizing you up."

  Wow, this is insane, but how did Malekai know that she was comparing me to her. I never told him this.

He added,
  " Her hold on him didn't last long. Well, that is what he wanted her to believe she had.
The charade was over when you walked into Sam's place, but she still wasn't sure who to connect with him, until you approached him. She got her confirmation when you were all that Dominik saw. When you were all that mattered!"

  I was at a loss for words, and probably the second, or third time that's happened.
All of this was crazy stupid. Ok I needed to think about all of this shit.
  I sat quietly in the back seat to collect , and organize my thoughts. My mind was on a speedtrack with no brakes.

Then I said,
  " You never said Dominick told you this. How do you know what happened that night?"

  He smiled, and shook his head.

He then said,
  " You really don't miss a thing, do you?
Ms. Shannon, you are an exceptionally rare creature. So rare that no one has ever bewildered him as you have. The one who cannot in his entire existence be shaken!"

  I couldn't think of a single word to describe how that made me feel, or think for that matter.

He added,
  " You asked if she'd try to hurt you. You have no idea how evil that bitch can be."

  That cued my full attention.

He continued,
  " Truth be told that Dorian will do whatever it takes to regain the control she believes she had over Dominik. Even if it means getting you out of her way."

He closed his eyes, and he had a concerned expression that made me feel as if he were carrying a heavy burden to bare this information to me.

I asked,
  " Why are you telling me all this?"

He quickly answered,
  " Because I want you to know the truth. I want you to stay vigil, and know that if you go up against her, you will not win. You lack the killer instinct!"

  I think we both thought about our encounter at my apartment.

He then said,
  " Ok you might have it, but you have something that cripples your ability to act without feeling."

  He lowered his head, and I sensed a sadness in him. I wanted to reach out to him, but decided not to. Without raising his head, he spoke with a pleading voice.

He said,
  " Never trust her! She will use every opportunity to erase you from Dominik's existence. Remember Ms. Shannon, any, and every chance, no matter what!"

I said,
  " This is insane, she doesn't even kn...."

Quickly he interrupted,
  " She doesn't have to know you! All she sees is this change that must be stopped!"

I asked,
  " What is this change, and is it a good or bad thing?"

A frown formed on his forehead as he thought about it.

He said,
  " I'm not sure, but I'm certain that it has to do with you. It's definitely something that Dominik feels, and he intends to keep it!"

  I didn't respond because what the fuck do you say after hearing that.

  Malekai's smile was bitter sweet, and he looked at me with innocence in his eyes.

He said,
  "I feel that you have managed to spark something in him where other's have failed in his entire existence. I'd tell you to leave, and never look back, but Dominik would never let you go."

  I still didn't say anything, and he took a deep breath
then said,
  " We must be going."

  We set off to our
Wherever that may be.

  We arrived, and I still did not know where we were.
  Although I was sure that I didn't fall asleep, there was a feeling of lost time.

  Malekai drove down a dark road that was surrounded by elms that seem to touch the blanket of stars.

With their limbs hovering over us, the sky was not
visible, and focusing proved to be difficult through the darkness of the window tint.

  Shadows seemed to move through the trees, and appeared to whisper to each other.

   We continued down the road, and I watched as they followed us down the path.

  A vision of shadows dancing in a room filled with candle light came, and then it was gone.

We approached an iron gate, with a large iron letter D on it's railing, and it was guarded by a stone wall at each side.

 Covered with vines, and moss, it encircled what I believe was Dominik's property.

  The gate opened, but I never saw anything that required an access code, nor did I hear Malekai announce our arrival.

  As he drove up the estates courtyard, we were greeted by a statue of a black stallion, and it's armored rider with eyes bright as the flames of a fire.

The view of the manor was a mid- century style with a bit of a modern design in it.

The large windows had glass instead of shutters which were a nice upgrade.
To the left of the manor was an unattached three car garage.

  Malekai continued around the courtyard until we came to a stop in front of the manor's steps.

  For some reason, I got the feeling that we were being watched.

  Once again Malekai opened the door and helped me out of the car. I thanked him with a nod, and motioned for him to lead the way.

  By this time, I will say that I was a bit nervous,
  as we walked towards the steps.
The wind blew, and with it came a whisper.

" My love! "

  I turned around to see that the rider with it's eyes of flames looked like they were watching me.

  When we had arrived, I'm sure it faced the direction of the courtyard entrance, and now it faced the manor steps where I stood.
I felt like I was in a foggy daze, and I couldn't look away until Malekai released me from it's firery gaze.

He asked,
" Ms. Shannon, are you ready to go in?"

I nodded as I looked at the rider once more.

I said,
"Ready as I'll ever be!" 
  I followed him up the steps, and into the manor.

      Written by
Sarah M Gutierrez


© #SMG521