

The baby sitter. Episode one
Life with her had always been exciting. Alice gave us extra screen time, and even turned on her hotspot for me, when my daily wifi allowance was up. Not a day passed, without Alice buying us fresh fruits and lots of candy. She also helped me with my school works.

However, the story changed a few days ago, when mom and dad had and pleaded with Alice to sleep over at our house, till the next few weeks. As they had to be out of town on an important business trip.

That morning, Alice showed up at our house two hours late, and when my sisters hugged her, she pushed them away. Her mood was nasty, and she didn't say a word to anyone.

The following day, she woke up worse than before. She ordered us around and barked at me, when I begged her to help me with my homework. She landed a hot slap on Pamela the older of the twins when she asked her what was wrong.

Distressed by the sudden change in her mood, I made up my mind to know what the matter with Alice was. Although I was just eleven, I knew this isn't the usual Alice.

When she was all alone in the living room, I noticed that Alice was fond of chanting in a language that I couldn't understand. I also observed that her eye had turned pale, and her hair wasn't as dark as it used to be.

She developed a strange fondness for Paula, the other twin. The few times I heard Alice speak politely, it was with Paula. She was always complementing Paula's pretty eyes and she never failed to add that Paula had a big ass for her age.

Although we had a tastefully furnished guest room, Alice slept in Paula's bedroom.
I grew uncomfortable of the relationship, and began to monitor them closely. My eyes could not believe what I saw. Alice was kissing Paula so violently. The five years old didn't know what to do, neither did she know it was wrong. Although I was elven, I knew I couldn't put up with Alice anymore.

I immediately called Dad, and it was switched off. Disappointed, I called Mom and the former was the case. I threw my phone on my bed, and cursed it. Almost immediately, a figure appeared at my door. "Did you really think there was anything you could do ?." She mused. It was Alice.
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