

I'm still heartbroken part 5
Okay so before we begin I'm not really supposed to be on anything social but I said it would be out today so here it is enjoy.

Honey where have you been? you were supposed to be home an hour ago. I know I'm sorry mom but there's something I need to tell you. This better be good Shelby for you to be this late. Mom, I think I know who took Abby.
I'm sorry you think what? I think I know who took Abby and it was my date to the dance Luka. Well why do you think he has her. Okay so basically his friend Ethan was really starting to piss me off so I started to beat him up. Then Luka saw and said how crazy I was and u told him I didn't wanna go to the dance anymore and then he said he'll take me where Abby is if I don't go.
Oh my gosh!? We need to go to the police right now. Mom that's not it. Well what else is there? He told me and I quote "that's a promise not a threat" Come on Shelby we're going to the police right now. No we're not. Mom I'm scared like why would he want Abby? And why did he make a promise to me like that? And will he kill me? And why would he take me to the dance to kidnap my friend? Is Ethan in on it? How did Luka now where we were. And will the poli-. SHUT UP ALREADY! Look were gonna figure this out I promise and you're not going to that dance. Okay then I won't go I'll go up to my room and see if u can find out anything. No don't worry you've had a long day were gonna figure this out tommorow. Okay Mom good night love you. Love you too. I go up to my room and see a note on my desk. Huh? Whats this!? I read the note. I'm watching you Shelby. I take that as a prank then realize how did they get in my room!?
Just then I hear heavy breathing from my closet. I go over to open and see the most surprising thing. Y-You!?!?

End of chapter 5 hope you enjoyed see ya next Tuesday