

Heartbreak December (Chapter 9-Dawn or Sunset?)
Den was pissed, leaving Ella at the restaurant wasn't easy, he still could picture her eyes when he took his jacket off the chair and ran off in the distance, she was hopeful that they'd have a good 'DATE' and he had gifted her nothing but watery eyes, damn she even looked good when she cried or was close to tears.

Anne was worried, Bisar hadn't called not was he replying to her texts, what was he upto, she thought, he was still a child at hurt it seemed, someone had taken away his most precious toy away from him and so he'd nurse a grudge forever against that thieving scum.....
She sure understood how it felt upon losing your feelings and becoming numb, but she was only trying to put him out of misery, why was he becoming so cold and distant? Was it male ego or was it just plain old depression, she wondered, she decided that she'd call Den, atleast he'd talk to her and tell her what was up.

"Hi Anne, can I call you back hon, actually Feige tried to commit suicide.", "WHAT!!WHY?", "Oh his girlfriend Leia died in that accident last week he hasn't been the same since.","Oh dear me, that's horrible, okay you do what you do and I'll call you back later..."

Den reached the park where there was a small crowd, five to six people. There was Zach, Abkortas, Ryan, Samuel and Percy and in the middle was Feige, he looked very pale, as if drained out of blood, "Hey guys what happened?", Den asked ,it was Percy who answered," Yeah so what happened is that Feige tried to hang himself from the dormroom fan, luckily I came out of the shower just in time and rescued him.."

Everyone was gone after Den came he and Feige were sitting on the swings adjacent to each other, Feige was his best friend when they were kids, and even though they had drifted apart he still loved him a lot, like he really was an endearing person according to Den.

"Why did you do it Feigy?", Den asked the person who seemed to look as though he had lost all purpose in life ."Look Den, Leia was my life and now I've been kicked out of my house by dad, abandoned by mom, and I lost the only person who loved me....", "Wait a sec, nigga take that back or I'll punch you, I love you bro, you're like a little brother to me dawg, you never knew that?"

Feige sighed, "I am beginning to think that I'm not destined to be loved, not in this lifetime anyway.....And now I've lost my job at the Wendy's".Den patted him on the back, "Look Feige come and live with me, my apartment is quite roomy and I make good money for two people's living."

After half an hour of persuasion, Feige gave him his word that he'd move in, Den gave him the keys and he called Anne, "Yeah, now tell me?", "Look Den, Bisar hasn't been answering calls of texts, please check on him whether he's okay.."

Den knocked on the door, Bisar's mom opened the door,"Hello honey come in, I'm making chocolate eclairs, try some". He took some and went upstairs.

"Oh hi, Den sit I'll talk to you, just lemme finish this round", Bisar said stiffly.

After about half an hour of waiting, Bisar finally stopped playing the godforsaken game(shouldn't call it that bruh, thought Den, he was a big fan of Modern Combat 5 too). "Look Bisar, Anne told me to check up on you, you haven't been replying to her calls and texts and she is worried sick man, look man I know you love her but she loves you too as a friend, a lot man..."

Bisar tried to keep his composure and was about to retort but his retort was lost as fat tears leaked out of the side of his eyes. He buried his face inside his hands."Bisar, look at me, I said FUCKING LOOK AT ME!!", Den yelled, but Bisar kept his face buried inside his hands.

Sneak peek of Chapter 10- Den fell to the floor, half dead, hoping to die any second, his vision went black before he saw a concerned Ella run towards him.
© Dhritiman