

I may look like A but don't judge me as A
Yesterday, I had a conversation with an acquaintance through Telegram. We talked on random topics, but somehow stumbled upon an issue that was quite touchè. It had to do with religion. Or to put it firmly, the issues associated with religion.

It got me thinking. Thinking on the preconceived thoughts people had cultivated with religion. The box people had shelved religion into.


When one claims they belong to a particular religion, we expect them to act in a particular way. We envision them to be how we imagine them to look and act like. We barely really care on how different they may be, but we’re adamant to see them in the light of the religion they profess they are.

A christian is A christian. Someone who loves God, doesn’t question him, has an exceeding great faith, lives life righteously and abstains from trouble of small or great magnitude and also, dresses decently.

A muslim is A Muslim. Someone who believes in Allah, follows the rules in the Quran, may be tagged a terrorist by people out of the religion and pretty much a trouble maker. Also, someone who shares food and drink during celebrations.

An idol worshipper, could worship carved images and believe in the otherworldly, lives recklessly but works hard to prove a point, always gets what they want and dances around the fire like a being possessed.

I just judged in the three last paragraphs. I’m sure you’re angry. Who do I think I was to make such comments? I actually favoured the Christian more, didn’t I? You’re pretty certain I’m a Christian by now. How could I paint the muslims and idol worshippers so horribly?

Yes, I’m wrong. Yet, we can’t deny that that’s how society sees these religions half the time. When asked what’s your religion? The answer to those questions automatically puts them into boxes we’ve conceived them to fit in.

Bring it down to the religion itself, we find that the same religious bodies also judge themselves based on the church, mosque and shrine they attend.

The worst thing to happen is being judged by where you belong in and not who you are as a person.
We say don’t judge us but we go ahead and judge others. When you put people in boxes based on their religion, you become blind to their shortcomings and their strong points.

You’re not trying to survive but actually tearing the relationships apart. You’re not healing but damaging that person.

People aren’t what they seem. They may go to a church that preaches don’t attach great importance to worldly things but actually do the opposite. If you continuously put people in boxes, I’m afraid that you may be blinded to see their true intentions.

Not everyone is cut from the same cloth. Same way, not every christian behaves the same way. Not every muslim behaves the same way and not every Idol worshipper behaves the same way. People are different. They are cut differently.

Many people have missed out on good things, thanks to their judgemental behaviour. You’ve already concluded that someone is evil, too religion, not good enough, without getting to know them.

Cancel such thoughts from your soul. Religion has become a means of an escape. That shouldn’t be. Religion should push you to be different. Stop favoritism and the continual blame game. Treat people with how they compose and carry themselves and not because, of the religion they profess.

Don’t judge me for where I belong but for how I belong.

© favody