

Busting through closed doors like the shots from a baretta. Walking around this bitch like I gotta vendetta. Me tippy toe around you?... ummm... Yeah, how about never.. I got ties with those eyes that reside in the sky and carry a striking resemblance to mine in a undoubted measure. We are as thick as thieves in the cold of the night who's mere existence relies upon the level in which we're seasoned and a meek mystique making every move clever.
At this very moment a movement is underway in a shift for the better, so you could see it for yourself in 2020. We the people have forgotten about our fought for rights and God given gifts only to be left with a lack of empathy and barley any understanding whatsoever.
This one will take some will and time, yeah you read that right, and you better believe it's not 1 to be forgotten, when a legacy is created it will always be remembered.
Meanwhile... I know I got some haterz out there, this is a shot at y'all...I mean a shout to y'all cuz I know you will follow me until you love me and I love y'all right back, y'all my 'best friends" forever... I see you doing the most from a safe place in a crowd, background blending, energy transcending by prideful boast, moving when told with the rest of the hurd, everyone knows cowards flawk together.
Carry on cracking bad jokes hoping no one will know that behind a mask they hide 1 of their 2 faces whichever you meet at that time is the 1 that suits them better. A mirror of thier own insecurities like rubber and glue, your off putting hate is rubber bouncng off others back to the place where it originated getting stuck like glue, user error, and return to sender.
Keep watching me though, even if you have to pretend not to see that no matter where I go I will be nothing short of a trendsetter.
Why y'all out here acting like king kong with big ol balls, in class without your clothes on and we can all see em hanging out the bottom of your tiny pink thong, envy like jolly green giant and this is your lamest hour ever.
The word has gotten out and you have been warned, we got winner's on the way, Kendrick Lamar, what you say!?!? HEY...Come out and play, you getting cut down to size everytime and it's off with the head like that Queen once said on record. Call me Muhammad Ali when I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, my footwork is on point and I'm motivational levitation in the game, I'm light like a angels wing feather.
I will always pour my heart and soul out to you through my poetry of scattered knowledge that I call my love letters.
I'm only human trying to stay humble, even on the days that my soul feels weak, pride beaten and brused leaving me confused as delirium sets in like hypothermia induced by the harshest of weather.
My obstacles I continue to conquer with my cruise control on I stay calm and collected, I feeling like Dr. Dre in the lab with a pen and pad, pulling these labels off the old rules that were made to be followed by fools, I'm doing my part to tie up those lose ends, tapping out beats to my flow.
In the fast lane on go mode, trying to make it back home so don't get in my way while I'm bouncing back and forth from lane to lane trying to get around these folks that be too slow.
I don't give a shit about no 10 seconds of fame, I'm just glad I'm here as a VIP from the nose bleeds I'm both observing and playing my role in the show.. I'm always tardy to the after party, but I will still be there to show my face even when it's a muddy disgrace.
Time after time, what the fuck is time? I just leave mine up to fate and the good Lord knows why he made me this way. My clock runs in place STRIGHT out the dimension that intertwines both time and space.
© Jessica Rae Johnson