

a true friend
I thought I knew. I didn't know. I thought I knew my friend. She lured me to come live with her. You only have to pay a little a month. Free wifi and laundry. A dream come true.
Then the true colors came out. She was very addicted to all things.
I don't judge her. Her life has lead her to take from all,
She struggled raising children. Went without so it led the her to became evil in her heart. Even to me.
I am a child of God. So I tried my very best to bring put on Jesus ways as an example. God only sees me as my best. I trust in him and not in man.
She was even mean to the lil children she was taking care of. When I hear her talk crazy to them it hurts my heart.
I love children. Jesus said don't offend the children. It's like doing it to Jesus. Do unto others you would like to have done to you.
Maybe in your lifetime you can find true friends. My mom said you might find a hand full if your lucky. I am
your best friend forever. And she always was. Smile God is good. Counting it as Joy when people do wrong to me. God the revenge is his. Praise God.

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