

Abditory (Diary)
9th September 2021, Thursday.

I am crying continuously for 3 days but these days are more painful than in the past. The loneliness, The fear, The restless sleep are exhausting. Someone said come out of your comfort zone and I did. That made me so uncomfortable that it started haunting my dreams. Dreams are nightmares to me. I lost every single member of my family in a nightmare, not altogether. Nightmare chooses different days to kill them. That nightmare was not real but my pain and tears all were real.

Yesterday, in my dreams I was busy working for my university which made me more uncomfortable. It's hard to breathe and be relaxed. It's scary, everything is. So I spent more time with my mom yesterday. It was warm and comfortable. She hugged me and caressed me. No matter how old you are, the mother is a mother and will be but not for everyone. You should search for someone and cry on their shoulder to relax the burden on your shoulder. It's fine to cry, cry and cry. Takes things slowly. That's what I learnt.

I was shivering yesterday and got a habit of scratching my hands when I feel anxious. I believe the future will be a little happier than yesterday.