

silent 2
The next day at school "hi guys"
"hi sue" her best friend said "what did yu do over the weekend"
"i cooked a delicious cake with sun yellow frosting an small pink and blue sprinkles that make desighns around the senter like a gush of wind."
"sure lol you sound just like a nerd"
"I..I do?" sue asked
"well kinda dont let it get to you girl i was kidding around"
but sue couldnt help thinking about it her...a nerd why her." when she got class her best friend looked at her with a face that looks like shes up to somthing.

UGH why did that happen to me why is te world against me.sue said drippig wet from milk and embarrassment.Turns out her riend told everyone about the cake so after lunch every one linned near th door and circled her then poured mlk on her anyone who wasent sat and laughed including the teachers.Fnnaly they ran out of milk and ran o the bathroom to clean myself off.

When I arrive at my house I dont tell my mom what a
hapened shed probly call the school and yell and scream at them no i couldnt tell her.Instead my best friend came over I know she is the reason milk was poured on me but shes my only friend.I start to color with her when she asked if I could cook somthing for her so I started i grabed my ingredients and began.

"Hurry up"my best friend said "i dont have all day you know"
"im sorry i rply" nut i really wasent sorry "I think I know a way to make the cake cook faster"
"ok then do it"

I start to turn the dial when my mom rushes in "dont do that"
"because its dangerous like putting medal in mirowave".
"hey"whispers my friend close to the oven watch this"thats when she trus the heat up all the way and te ake exploded. ahhh cake whent everywhere and we neeed to clean before my mom got here.

to be countinued...