

The Fernandez family. ......
I got stuck in the middle of the most barzar family ever....Things were crazy and everything they did was to stay alive ....

So like every family, there were the PARENTS. ..
William and Miranda Fernandez, they both worked for the Pentagon in the USA. They met on a mission in Iran. I guess it was love at first sight, they began dating and seeing each other alot, it wasn't long after they got married. Things were getting difficult in work since they fight to protect each other instead of finishing their mission. William couldn't live without Miranda and they both agreed to resign from their jobs as agents....They both began to start up small business places internationally from scratch they mostly try to help people who seem to have difficulty in the work area. Everything was perfect business was booming and they couldn't be more happier with their new lives until Miranda came across a preschool filled with the laughter of children playing and singing. She desperately wanted a child but couldn't have children... This drove Miranda into depression and it would make William hurt everytime she cried. William tried to consult with many doctors but none could help until a close family friend give his advice of adoption.... William took home 6 baby boys that evening all from different families. Miranda was thrilled to have 6 babies she was so happy life couldn't be more perfect and since they were wealthy it wasn't a problem to hire help for Miranda, while she was at home.. mean while Miranda felt sick for some days an had to lay down, the maid called for nurse immediately. When the doctor came he told her she was pregnant. Out of joy Miranda wanted to tell William but had to restrain after receiving a disturbing letter that broke her heart ....scared out of her mind she tried to tell William but before she could do so he was sent away on a one year mission in London. the nights were long an the days were longer finally it was time for her to have the baby. Miranda secretly delivered the baby at home and had a friend take the baby away before William returned home she begged her friend never to mention this baby an never return. The Miranda's friend took the baby and went away. Miranda had a beautiful baby girl whom she named rose before she left.

21 years have passed and the boys all grew up into amazing men all respected and loved by many... firstly the oldest Jake was joining the military for the first time he had a passion for helping people then there was Jason he seems very stubborn and very aggressive when it comes to spending time with family he always had an excuse since he was just finishing college...then we got jimmy the most lovable smart and softhearted person ever he couldn't turn down or disappoint anyone even if it killed him then there is Josh with the passion for cooking he never wants to leaves the kitchen an always cooks breakfast lunch and dinner before going to college an lastly we got twins justin an jarved they are wild out of control and always getting into trouble I guess every family got its spoils...since Miranda got all her sons in one day she throws a huge party every year to celebrate her ongoing happiness with her sons but lately William never seems to be home. The boys had a great commutation with him but often find it strange he wasn't around so one by one they questioned their mother....which in this case was Miranda. One night Miranda asked William about his disappearance his reply was one that Miranda knew the boys couldn't be told of. Long before William an Miranda met, William had a brother named Daniel. he never liked William and often tried many times to kill him. Daniel wanted Williams lifestyle wealth and came. his jealousy got in the way of seeing what was the greatest thing in life. Daniel was greedy and never wanted to work but always like the easy way out of things. William an Miranda knew it was time to train the boys to fight for each other and to protect each other so the night of party as William and Miranda gathered the boys to cut the cake a stranger entered their mansion,, Daniel was there to turn the party upside down Miranda an William stood in front of the boys to protect them when Daniel pulled a girl from on the side of him one look and Miranda knew it was her daughter she cried out to Daniel begging him not to hurt her....Confused and lost William wanted to know what was goin on when Daniel spilled her secret. Miranda didn't know what to say all she knew was that she was trying to protect her daughter from Daniel. William asked Daniel to leave at once but Daniel wasn't quite finished he continued to manipulate William by telling him all the secrets Miranda hid for the past 21 years even the boys were shock. 😲😲😲 Daniel threatened to kill her if William doesn't give a ransom of 10 billion dollars.. with that he stormed out dragging the girl with him. Miranda was helpless and in pain william was mad and had a lot of questions. William dragged miranda up the stairs while the guest leaves the argument went on for the rest of night . the next morning miranda explained everything to the boys and prepare them for an up coming war that was being hidden in the shadows this wasn't the end this was just the beginning.....