

Coat Rack See Then I Am Joked By An Alien
That mountain is high I feel I can never
get over that mountain
But I try and I have to
Stay trying
Meanwhile a crazy man's anger boils
over like a pot on a stove
But why at me I think
or is he just that way
or why does he want me to think
he the law
It's not really normal to harass
And then tell people on I am the law
Well I think about that a knock
at the door I look out it's
that thing that was on the news
some coat rack but it looks harmless
enough but I open the door take
my chances and then it's on
I am running around the table
from this thing.
And it metal is messing up my floor
so I run of and say I am
going to go down anywhere home
And they tell me oh no we can't have
over night guest and you 54 years old.
What is this ok then. And that coat rack
laughed at me as the guy was in the store
And he said I want chips to. What you
got a whole entree . I am thinking the
salt plus potato s are bad for your carb in take. So I tell the coat rack jokes and I put it on the pouch when I get home
but it's the next day I wake up get ready
for the day. Then it's gone but why the thing try to take over and if it's an 👽
why did it get my jokes hmm.
So now I have nothing to hang my coat
on. But I can tell this story until
everyone has heard it.