

Death and Betrayal
The city was in chaos. Every house, building, structure, was burning to the ground.
But this was no ordinary fire.
It was the flame of the devil, meaning that it couldn't be put out unless the devil or a demon willed it to.
I had to find my brother, Alex, and my friends.
I called out for them over and over again until my throat was sore, but there was no reply.
I searched the parts of the town where they would normally reside, but there was no trace of them.
Where could they be?
Were they already reduced to ashes?!
I had to find the demon that started this fire and make them distinguish the fire, before it's too late.
Then, there was an explosion ahead of me, along with a scream.
"That's Alex's voice...!"
I sprinted towards the explosion as fast as I could, my lungs filling with ash.
Once I arrived at the ruins, I was too late. My brother was dead.
I fall on my knees and hands, tears rolling down my face.
Then, footsteps approach me.
'Is someone still alive...?'
I look up to see one of my friends in my line of sight. But it's not my friend. He looks distorted, with crooked, punctured wings.
My upset expression merges into an angry one.
I get up onto my feet, clenching my fists.
"You... You did this? It was all you?"
He says nothing, but gives me an evil and sinister grin, making me shiver.
"What did you do with the others? Did you kill them, too?"
He lifts his hand and points at me. Confused, I step back, but then, I feel a strange sensation.
My hair turns a blood red and blood begins to run down my face and spurting out my mouth. I cover my mouth, surprised.
He smiles more, chuckling distortedly.
I wipe my mouth, but blood continues to trickle out my mouth.
"Tell me... Why are you doing this?"
He continues to stay silent, then walks towards Alex's body.
He picks him up from his collar and Alex's head falls off his body.
My eyes widen in horror and I step back, shivering in fear.
He turns to me again, grinning from ear to ear.
'Why is this happening...?!'
He throws the body towards my direction, then walks off.
Looking at the rotting corpse, I begin to feel faint.
There's nothing I can do. Everyone is dead. I've been betrayed by my friend. I can't do anything.
I might as well just die...

#death #betrayal #demon #demons #blood

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