

Down at the riverside
His eyes grew brighter, in his eyes was a little terror of the unknown but yet a true lover a caring and a sincere personality.
And their he stood on the alter looking gorgeous than ever, his dark blue suit andnhis fresh look shinning the room, this took me back to that day at the riverside,with the cool breeze, a long silence with only the sound of water running down the river and birds chirping, sorrow.
We had been having this same conversation for about an hour now. . In my mind was the memories of the day I was living to go to work, we couldn't get enough of each other, holding each other close and tight that we could hear each other's breathing, he was my lover and my only.
I left for the city but then everything changed fast. We had come from speaking obsessively, to just greatings to no communication at all.
Then after a long while we meet again down at the river at our always favorite spot. Where we used to come play like kids and had long hours of nothing but beautiful moments.
But the spot was no longer joyous this time we were not just the two of us. had my baby kicking in my belly. For some wild reason he was ready to take the baby in, but I just didn't understand how, was at the rock bottom of my life.
Every man seemed a foe.
How could he not possibly understand that. For the past one hour he had been saying he was ready to take me in and I just didn't understand how blind in Love he was. I had done a despicable act to him and he was ready to forgive me., how could he ,when I myself could not. He was my first love and I was his first too. We had built a lot of fantasy about our lives and he was not just ready to throw it all but i was.
He looked me into my eyes and said, "He is not an impostor he's just a baby Raquel ,our baby, we will take care of him together I will love him like mine, a baby is a gift no matter what's the circumstances" I look right through him and I could see he actually meant that, but a child is not a fairly tale story it comes with responsibility. And after a long silence I finally found the courage to speak Ric the baby is mine and my responsibility and I will be his mother and father, me who new nothing about kids, looking back now I could have been dreaming.
Left him stranded at the riverside. Oh his poor heart,I could here him sobbing I knew I had broken him I loved you he said but I still walked away.

"for the last time who would like to oppose this marriage" the priest said.

At this moment I knew just like down at the riverside as much as I loved him I had let him go, he had found his new peace and I had to let him enjoy that. He was happy with his new wed and I had to let him be🥺 because I left him down at the riverside.