

We are born on a planet of successful and unsuccessful people, as we grow older our guardians, teachers, society teach us how to be a successful person and have a six digit salary every month. Waking up early, studying whole day, working whole day, not wasting any second of your day are some common tips to a successful person. But most of us are unable to follow these rules through the day. Maybe some people can follow these rules for few days but maybe not throughout the life. And when we can't follow these rules advices we think that we are lazy unsuccessful people and we can't do anything in life. When someone gives us example of how a poor man became a millionaire we become more depressed instead of getting motivated. Why? Let me clearify this.

The problem with the motivation is that it derives from the successful people and not from the unsuccessful people. Don't sabotage yourself. Don't bury yourself under the soil of your own expectations.

When I ask people ' how do you master something '. They answer ' By doing that thing correctly everytime '. But the answer is ' we master something by doing it wrong at the first place.' The more we do something wrong, we will learn how to do that right, we will learn more when we do wrong and your chances of being correct will increase.

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