

Cara and Her Past: Blossoming Love
"I will wait for that sweet answer, even if it takes a lifetime."
~ Zoë Rebecca

On the day of giving birth, Robert was there to assist Cara, he held her hand like a support system.

In the emergency room...

"One last push, Cara," the doctor said.

"Ahhhhhhh." Cara groaned.

"There we can we can already see the head." The doctor said again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh." The baby cries for the first time.

Robert held the baby first because Cara was asleep and tired.

"Hush now, Daddy's here," Robert said to the baby.

At the room where Cara stays...

"Cara, can I tell you something? Robert asked Cara.

"Yes, what is it, Robert?" Cara answered Robert.

"Can I court you, Cara?" Robert asked gently holding Cara's hand.

"You know my situation, right?" Cara cries at what she hears.

"Yes, I know that already and I'm willing to take full responsibility," Robert answered Cara with full sincerity.

"Robert, let me think about it first, okay," Cara answered Robert frankly.

"Okay, okay, I'm willing to wait," Robert said to Cara then he kissed her forehead.

As they went home already, Cara didn't forget what Robert told her, she was taking the baby to sleep when she heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, who's that?" Cara put the baby on the crib.

*No answer...

"My God, Robert, are you drunk?" Cara asked Robert.

"I love you, Cara, I can't stop thinking about you, and even just for a minute I miss you already," Robert confesses his love for Cara, and then he sleeps on Cara's shoulder.

Cara that day realised that there was still a man who'd love her even though she had a child already.

To Be Continued...

© XoXo