

My First Demonic Encounter
My wife and i lived in a Crawl space under a bridge for a Year Homeless..
My Wife Was Never a Very Sexually Motivated Individual Considering shes a Childhood Trauma Victim.
im not a Sexually Motivated person and never have been...

I never believed in Primal Evil until That night.. I didnt believe in Demons...Only angels up till this point .

I started noticing Very Strange Things Happening to Her Physically.

Her Pupils Started To Fluctuate
from increase then back to Decrease then normal then back to increase
wrinkles began to appear in places that never have and voice more manly and Her Eyes Turned almost Sky Blue...

I thought it was just the Meth we consumed and its Just The drugs ...

She became completely Radically Obsessed with Me in a very unhealthy way...

She began to Worship Me As Her god
And One Night After making Love,She looks me in the Eyes and Tells me ..."Your God"...i told her dont ever say that Again ...I have tattoos of A prayer in Viking Language on my Chest.
She Became obsessed with Studying Different Runic Alphabets and symbols because of my tattoo.She Began to Write Runes on the wall and i Saw that These were Symbols that were not the Protection Symbols ive always seen ..

i say to her "Mandy Becarful what your Writing on the Wall i have never seen Runes like that Before and never Scribe any symbols Anywhere when you dont know what they are ...I told her to show me what website she found them on and she couldn't Find it again ...
As we Fall Asleep Shes Talking to me and about me like im not there but i am ...
Part 2 First Contact with Demonic Entity and First manifestion..
...Coming soon
© Wyskhansyn