

Listless ( continuation 01)
The old lady led Fiona through various halls, stairs and corridors after which she came to stand beside a king sized canopy bed in a chamber room far bigger than her minimalist apartment she moved into after selling the house and most of the furniture and other belongings after her parents died, the warm and safe house she knew since forever became lonely and cold after her parents death, she knew that it won't be the same as before ever again unless her parents could somehow come back to life, these thoughts made her more gloomy and sad which the old lady noticed and worriedly asked her, " Milady, why are ye looking so pale and distressed? Ain't ye feeling well, may I call for the herbalist to see ye?"
This made Fiona come back from her reverie and she asked her where she was again without paying any attention to the lady's worried enquiries... the lady wasn't expecting this question and after a long pause, she awkwardly said, " why Milady don't you know, we are standing on the lands of...