

when matt met nicole

The first time I saw Nicole was at life way baptist church. It was at a retreat for full-time and lay leaders and their families. She was part of a singing group with three other girls and a pianist. She was very talented. She stood out to me. I wanted to get to know her.
I figured she would not be interested in me. I figured she would think that I was too old for her. Maybe she had a boyfriend. Maybe she was engaged. I chided myself. I could not believe that i even. considered it.
I decided that I would let it go. i remember walking through the hallway. I saw her. I smiled and said hello. She said hello back. I asked her how her day was. She said that it was good. That was the end. our conversation. We went our separate ways.
I saw her a few times at the retreat but never talked to her. She seemed very nice. She dressed modestly. She was sober-minded.
- I remember our first meeting a little bit differently. I was asked to sing at the Christian worker's retreat. We were excited. We had sung at outer home church and a few others. Our music was posted on social media.
I was having a really good week. It was a time of good fellowship. I was walking when I saw matt. I noticed that he looked at me. I could tell he was interested. Not in a bad way. He was interested. All he said was hi and how are you?
I had a feeling that he wanted to say more. For whatever reason, he did not. That was the end of our conversation. I asked my dad who he was. He explained that he was pastor of a gospel baptist church. He said that he was a widower.
- the conference came to an end. It went very well. We got ready to leave and head home. I wished I had talked to Nicole but I chickened out. I regretted not talking to her. What if she was involved with someone? What if her dad was opposed to this?
I got back to work. I resumed my duties at the church. Things continued to happen at the church. I did think about Nicole. I even watched videos of her and her group singing. I wanted to meet you.
I had an idea. I decided to call her dad. Pastor Rod Granger was pastor of glory to God baptist church in Redmond. He was saved in his twenties. He was decided by the pastor. He spent a lot of time at their house. He developed a friendship with his daughter. He got her dad's permission to court. They got maried.
He worked as a manager of a retail store but felt called to the pastorate. He went to fundamental baptist university. He worked as director of maintenance and business manager at th college. He became pastor of the glory of God baptist.

He and his wife had seven kids including Nicole. They had one on the way. The church was thriving. Nicole was the third child but was the oldest daughter.
I called pastor Granger. "Hello, glory to God baptist church?" He asked. "Helo is this pastor Granger?" I asked. "This is!" He said.
"Hello pastor, this is pastor matt grant at gospel baptist church," I said. "Hi, how are you?" He asked. "I am doing very well," I said.
"I was at the Christian workers retreat at life way baptist. I was impressed by the rose of Sharon singing group. I was wondering if they would be able to minister hear at g.b.c. I understand our two churches use to have joint services in the past." I said.
"Yes, we did. That would be great. The girls will be excited. They enjoy singing. They like to go to other churches. " he said. "We can do a cookout before the concert. Our church loves to grill," he said.
"Ours too. That sounds great," he said. We set a date for the singing group to come. I was so excited for them to come. Even if nothing comes of it between Nicole and .it would still be a good experience for the church.
I hoped it would be a beginning for us. I got nervous. What if she was not the person I thought she was? What if I had put her on a pedestal that no one could live up to? She could be a diva I suppose. She could be a snob I suppose. She could be a fine person but not interested in me. That was fine.
"So nick, I got a call from gospel baptist church. They wanted to book you guys for a Saturday night. " my dad said. "Oh, awesome. I will tell the gang. They will be excited. " I said. "I thought you would be pleased," dad said.
"That's pastor grant's church?" I asked. "Yes, it is. His dad is a pastor too and his grandfather is. His grandfather is retired from active ministry. " dad said. "I remembered him from the worker's conference. I talk to him briefly." I said.
"So how did this come about?" I asked.
"The pastor called the church. " he said."it was his idea?" I asked. "Yea it was," he said. "I was just curious. It seemed to come out of nowhere." i said "it was probably because of the retreat. He saw the group and was impressed. " dad said.
I did not say anything to dad but I had a feeling that there was more to it. I think he wanted to see me again. I think he was smitten with me. I was not sure I objected to that.
I checked out the website for the church. The church was an independent fundamental baptist church. They were king janes only. They believed in separation from error and compromise. They were pretty standard. They were opposed to Pentecostalism and Calvinism. they were opposed to ecumenicalism. They believed in dispensation and pree tribulation rapture. I watched clips of the church. I liked it.
I found his personal social media site. He posted church services. He posted other sermons from I.f.b pastors. He posted things from I.f.b organizations and personalities. he posted hymns. He posted music from the rose of Sharon. He liked the outdoors. He posted pics of his family. He liked old mysteries and science fiction from the 1800s.
He was very eclectic. I felt that we would be compatible. I thought we could make a go of this. I could not believe I was considering this. I was excited about it.
I had never dated. My dad dated a lot before he was saved. He said he was what the world called a player. When he was saved, he felt rebuked for that.
He vowed to put that lifestyle behind him. He and his mom's relationship grew organically. They did not even see it until it was obvious. They had become best friends. Her family was like his family already.
He did not want me or my siblings to fall into that trap. I did not have any dating in high school rule. My dad taught me that a Christian should always be a one-spouse person. Monogamy begins early. I focused on my studies and the lord. It made all the difference.
I believed that the person God had for me was out there. That person would be revealed at the right time. I have accepted that God might want me to be single all my life. I was ok with that. That took me a while. It took some prayer. Abraham asked the lord when he was about to destroy sodom"shall not the lord of heaven do right?" I came to realize if I never maried, that was right.
I felt that maybe that man was out there. maybe that was pastor mathew grant. I did not want to get too ahead of myself. I did think maybe.
- I was glad pastor Granger agreed to this. The whole church was excited. A lot of men in the church including myself had a grill. Many loved to grill. We decided to have a cookout. The whole church got into it. A lot of planning was put into it.
I did think about Nicole. I thought that we would fall in love that weekend. We would live happily ever after we'll until the lord called us home. I could not believe I was thinking that way. i felt foolish. I started to question rather or not this was his idea.
The church was excited. The whole church got involved. Even some of the younger kids were helping get ready. It was turning into a big event. I decided that this was not about me or Nicole me. It was about two churches coming together. Untimely it was about glorifying the lord.

The day arrived. We had everything set up. I saw the van. My heart started beating a little bit faster. The van parked. I was surprised by my reaction. It was not like me. I was very even-keeled. I was measured. Today I was like a schoolboy. I was shocked by my reaction.
The bus parked. Pastor grager was the first to step. off the bus. I shock his hand. "Welcome pastor," I said. "Thank you. It is good to be here. We have been looking forward to this." He said. "We are glad you are here. We have been looking forward to it as well. " I said.
The whole singing group was there. Many of the parents came as well as some from the church. I gritted various church members and members of the group. Then I came to her.
"Hi, nicky I am pastor grant. We met at the Christian worker's conference, I am not sure you remember." I said."yes I remember. It is good to see you, "she said." It is good to see your nick." i said. Our eyes met. I did not take my hand back right away. It was like time had stopped. i did pull my hand back.
- I was excited. I tried to calm down. i tried to stay objective. I got more excited the closer I got. Dad parked the van. We got out. I was one of the last to talk to matt. We shook hands. He called me nicky, not Nicole. He later told me, he did not even realize he had called me that.
I saw how he looked at me. I was pretty sure that he is the person the Lord has for me. I was excited to get to know him.

- she smiled at me. I was pretty sure that she was a happy person. I was not sure if this was just her or if this was a special smile just for me. I told myself that it was just her normal smile. I tried to convince myself that I should not read anything into it.
The cook out went really well. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was really good fellowships. I saw Nicole hanging out with my kids. I saw a glimpse of what could be.

- I was hanging out with his daughters. I am pretty sure I saw a tear fall from his face. I was pretty sure I would marry him.