

Colours of seduction
Hey cuties!!!
I'm really excited for this story. It took me 7 months to build up the plot.

Chapter 1
"Mira stop nagging it's just a cut"
"Mira you failed in the test ,you are a disgrace"
"Mira you bitch ...slut..whore omg she got pregnant at the age of 16 ....
you don't deserve anything I don't love you bitch ..........................."
Ugh! Damn these nightmares.
Hey readers I'm Mira and what you read above is just an illustration of my nightmares.Those voice still haunts me.
I'm of 21 and I live with my best friend, Sandy. 2 years ago I got a job as an waitress and I couldn't deny it.
Sandy-"Mira move your ass down, nowww!!!"

Mira-"Sandy stop shouting gimme 5 mins girl, I'm coming...."

Sandy- "You know what I'm tired of this that creep !! why don't you leave him dude????"

Mira-"Omg!!! Don't tell me he wrote a bloody letter againnnn!!!!"

Sandy-" Ugh! I really don't understand why you dated him for 5 years. He is a total freak. He abused you and now he can't accept the fact that you don't love him anymore"

Yes I don't love him.
Ron and I dated for 7years. I was so in love with him and I kept ignoring the fact how toxic he is. We decided to break up last week but he is being a total creep. He keep sending me letters written with blood. I'm tired now. He is the one who got me pregnant and then killed my baby. I hate him I just hatteeeee himm!!!!!!!!

Sandy- "Earth to Mira!!"

Mira-"Oh I'm sorry I totally zoned out"

Sandy-"You know what, lets go on a vacation. We really need some fresh air"

Mira-" And what about work??"

Sandy-"Well! Our boss is craving to get into my pants. I will offer him and ask for 1 month leave in return!!😉"

Mira-" Ewwww this is gross"

Sandy-" I love you too Mira😉😂"

Wellllllll so this is the end of chapter 1
What would happen next? Will the vacation be an escape? Or a path to danger???
Let's see
Your author🧡

© shinjini