

foot steps

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
Which way to go?
both Corners were dark with no lights on.
I turn to the right my heart pounding and then turns to the left and then to the right again no one is there I'm running through the pitch dark trying to find a way out. finally I find a emergency exit with my heart pounding I run down the seven flights of stairs as fast as possible till I finally find the main floor. Pushing the door open I run on the grass and fall down in a heap. the sky is dark but I don't care I am finally free.
I run for three blocks until I am finally away from that place stopping I try to catch my breath and then a bony and touches me on the shoulder I turn around quickly to find a boy that looks like a skeleton standing in front of me his body withered and his eyes sunken.
" who are you" I asked terrified
" you know who i am"
" i and the boy you killed three years ago"
My blood went cold, it really was henry the brother I had drowned in the pool 3 years ago. but how did he come back to life and where he come from? that I have no idea.
© jimcarroll1964