

My Native Wolf... Part 5
Clover, it’s time to get up.” Groaning loudly I throw off the covers and stretch long and hard. I haven’t slept so well since my father passed away. Collapsing back on the bed I see Levi standing over me dressed in jeans and a tight tee.
“You’re clothes are on the chair. Breakfast is almost ready.” Without another word he turns and leaves the room. So we’re back to this I see. I smile to myself, he may be bipolar but I remember his words last night. He definitely wants me. Climbing out of bed I dress quickly and head toward the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen with a bounce in my step I expect to see Levi but he’s nowhere to be found. There's a native man, around the same age as Levi. He was here last night, he was in buckskin pants. His hair is cropped short to his head, he has dark eyes like Levi’s just as built only not as tall. He looks up from the breakfast he is making and smiles.
“Walking in with a bounce like that… must have been a good night.” My cheeks heat up instantly while backpedaling from the kitchen as quickly as I can. My hand is caught by his rough one.
“Please don’t run I meant nothing by it. I didn’t mean to insult you or cause you discomfort. I’m Smith a friend of Levi’s. I made you breakfast, please come sit and eat.” I look down at his hand and I am amazed, his hand is warm but I don’t feel anything special. He immediately lets go.
“I made eggs, ham and toast.” He walks back to the stove and makes me up a plate.
“Here you go. Do you like strawberry or grape jelly.” I silently point to grape and he opens it before handing it to me with an award winning smile. Sitting at the eat in counter.
“It’s nice to meet you Smith, I’m Clover. So ok I have to ask, why are ya’ll so nice to me and my grumpy little foot looks like he wants to scalp me?” Smith snorts coffee through his nose he’s laughing so hard.
“Trust me the last thing that man wants to do is scalp you. He has hang ups Clover. I won’t tell you it’s going to be an easy road because it’s going to be far from it. I’ve known him since we were both in diapers, he is worth it. The rest of us want you to know you can trust us, that we are here for you like we are for Levi.” Nibbling on my breakfast my stomach flip flops with nerves.
“Are you coming with us smith?” Before he can answer heavy boots enter the kitchen behind me.
“No, he’s not.” Levi scowls at Smith over my head and Smith immediately raises his hands in surrender.
“Well, I think that's my cue. I’m heading home now, it’s nice to meet you Clover. Welcome to our pack, welcome home.” I smile at him and Levi growls at Smith. Oh, good Lord, really?
“Down boy, you don’t growl at company!” Smith grins and Levi gapes at me with his jaw open. Slipping down off my chair I walk up to him and close his mouth with two fingers.
“Careful, you don’t want to let the flies in.” Smith takes this moment to slip out the back door while Levi is fixed on me.
“You’re awfully bold this morning. Sleep well? Or do you enjoy trying to make a fool of me in front of my friend?” Who pissed in his wheaties this morning?
“Me make a fool of you? I think you were doing a bang up job of that on your own. Smith was telling me nothing but great things about you and then you come in here all doomsday style and be a complete jerk to him. Some friend you are.” Turning back to my plate I hate wasting food but now I really can’t eat any more. Pitching the food I start putting stuff away so nothing goes bad.
Levi doesn’t say anything as he leaves. I collapse against the counter and sigh. Can I do this? Am I able to spend over 2 weeks with him in the wilderness? I jump at a huge bang behind me. Turning quickly I see Levi putting on a hiking pack.
“This one's yours, come on we have a long way to go today.” He won’t even look me in the eye. Well hell, what choice do I have? Lifting the heavy pack I sling it onto my back. Before I know it I’m waving my arms wildly through the air to keep my balance and before I know it I am falling. Reaching to grab for something I grab something solid and am pulled back up right. Levi! My eyes lock onto his and once again I feel like I’m home.
“Give me your pack,” My heart flutters when he steps in close to me lifting it off and away. Inhaling his scent, my inner fire ignites to full blazing. I manage to keep from whimpering when he steps back.
“I’ll put more of the weight in mine.” He doesn’t say it with anger or annoyance just like it’s a matter of fact.
“I’m sorry I’m not strong enough.” Levi won’t look up at me from the floor but I see his half smile.
“You shouldn’t be sorry for something you can’t control. I’ll easily carry the extra weight. Your hiking boots are by the back door, lace up.” Getting on my new boots they fit perfectly, he must have snooped at my sneakers.

Outside the morning is beautiful with a slight breeze coming through the trees. Chief Locklear is standing outside just beyond the fire pit.
“Good morning Clover. I trust Levi has been treating you well?” Our problems are our own. I don’t need or want them advertised.
“We are working them out Chief Locklear.” He smiles,
“I’ve come to bless your journey. Come here child and close your eyes.” Doing as instructed Chief Locklear begins to chant. I don’t know what he is saying but it’s a lovely chant, powerful and uplifting. Do I hear thunder?
Images flash through my mind, what’s going on? Thunder claps loudly in the distance. I’m on a mountain top and the wind is so strong it’s blowing my hair wildly. I’m not scared though, I feel so strong and confident. Turning to the left I see Levi crouched by a blazing fire and he’s naked. He stands and walks to me slowly, a primal smile playing on his lips.
“You’re mine Clover, and soon you’ll be heavy with my child.” And just like that the images are gone. Fluttering my eyes I see Chief Locklear smiling in front of me. Levi to my right looks pissed. Did I say anything out loud?”
“What just happened?” Chief Locklear places his hands on my shoulders.
“What Gia has shown you is for you and you alone. Not everyone sees their future, those that do should know it to be true. I want to hear all about your journey when you return. I hear from the Great Owl that the call of the wolf frightens you. Don’t be afraid Clover, the howl of the wolf is a sign of protection. You will come back a changed member of our pack, family. Embrace us Clover for you are home.” With his piece spoken Chief Locklear turns and talks to Levi in such a hushed tone that I can’t hear him and then he’s gone. Did I blink, where did he go?
“Wow, he’s fast, where did you go?” Levi starts walking straight ahead without a word, well ok then. Levi’s stride is much bigger than my own so I end up jogging for hours behind him just to keep up. Up and down hills, under and over fallen trees. I want to tell him to slow down but he is a man on a mission.
Sweating like an animal I can’t take it anymore and stop for a minute. That and my right foot is killing me. Plunking down on a fallen log I let my pack slide from my shoulders onto the ground.
“Get up Clover, we’re not to our stopping point for lunch yet.” Wiping the sweat from my brow I ignore him.
“My foot hurts Levi.” He growls, Jesus he really is pissed off.
“That’s to be suspected city woman.” Seriously? I can’t believe he is being so mean. Did I make him so angry this morning that he is trying to kill me?
“I said my foot, not my feet. Just the one foot hurts, my right one. On top of that I don’t know what you’re so angry about but you need to calm down. You’ve been a one man wrecking ball since we’ve started. If you haven’t noticed I am a lot shorter than you and have been running for hours.” The ire in Levi’s eyes drains immediately when he bends down to my foot and lifts it resting it on his knee.
“How long has it been hurting?” I try to think back but with no watch.
“Shortly after crossing the first creek.” He glares at me but doesn’t say anything while he works the laces of my shoe. Gently taking off my shoe I hiss and bite my cheeks when he pulls off the sock. The side of my foot is rubbed raw and blistering.
“Son of a… Oh it hurts more now then when my shoe was on.” Levi doesn’t say anything as he pulls out some peroxide and antibacterial ointment. Thankfully the peroxide doesn’t hurt and neither does the ointment. Levi is being so gentle that I’m definitely convinced he is seriously Bipolar. Covering my foot with a bandaid he then applies a moleskin before putting my sock back on and then my shoe. I could do that myself but why stop him when he is being so nice?
“Infection out here is very serious Clover, if anything happens, even a scratch you need to tell me ok?” I nod silently when he puts my foot back on the ground. A few minutes of water and rest and we are back on the trail.
“So did I say anything back there while I was in my trance?” Did the hairs on the back of his neck just stand on end. He whips around so fast I flinch backwards.
“You moaned like a bitch in heat and said my name.” The fuck did he just say to me? I drop my pack to the ground and jump at him; riding him to the ground,
“You Asshole! You bi - polar asshole!” I squeal when he flips me over onto my back pinning me beneath him.
“I’m bi - polar? You just attacked me you crazy little…” Screaming out ferally I’ve never heard this sound come from my mouth. Grabbing a hold of his braid I pull and buck my hips successfully flipping him over to his back and straddling him.
“You have no right to talk to me that way Levi, you better feel lucky I don’t smack you! What the fuck is your…” Again, Levi throws me up over his head rolling with me till he is back on top. His eyes twinkle with amusement. Is he seriously enjoying this? Pulling on my hands they don’t move, Levi has them pinned above my head.
“You’re just full of surprises today Clover. I find the whole charade of establishing dominance quite amusing… and kind of sexy.” I growl at him before I’m fully aware I’m even doing it. Levi smiles when I buck against him attempting to throw him off. He answers by thrusting with his hips effectively pushing me back down to the ground.
“You’re right I shouldn’t have said that to you. My friends seem to be flirting with you intentionally to piss me off. It’s working but sadly I’m taking it out on you. Would you feel better if I pretended to lose this fight and let you be on top?” Levi bends down close to my ear whispering,
“Do you like to be on top Clover?” My thighs tighten around his hips as shivers run through me. I am so not going to answer that.
“I’m going to assume that question was rhetorical. Please let me up, we have a long way to go as you said.” I feel like I’m being watched and I don’t know by what. Knowing my luck it's a bird but it’s still awkward. Levi doesn’t seem to care one bit about the openness of our surroundings. He swivels his hips pressing roughly against me. My back arches on it’s own volition. I silently beg him to touch what’s being offered. For once Levi doesn’t disappoint; he lightly brushes his lips across my aching nipples.
“ Answer the question.” Evil, evil bastard! He knows exactly how to get to me. Should I be honest? Well of course I should be honest. Taking too long to answer Levi nips at my nipple and I gasp,
“I don’t know!” He chuckles softly and nuzzles my breasts with his face,
“Elaborate.” How do I elaborate on the fact that I’ve only had sex once before and lost my virginity to that pig. Talk about a mood killer.
“I’ve never done it before.” Another swivel of his hips has my panties soaked.
“Why?” Groaning, I absolutely won’t go over this right now, not like this.
“I’ve only had sex one time, beyond that I am not ready to give specifics, not like this.” Levi’s hips still before lifting up and laying next to me on the ground.
“I won’t sully this moment with whatever it is you're hiding from me but you will tell me… tonight.” He’s angry again but not at me.
“I’ll tell you but only if you slow down and check your attitude.” Levi grins down at me and I swear my heart stopped for a second.
“You’ve got yourself a deal Clover.” Swallowing hard,
“Now you’re making my nervous.” Levi laughs shaking his head,
“I’ll always be in your metaphorical dog house. I’m upset or I’m happy, doesn’t matter you’ll always keep me at arm's length won’t you?” Did he just show a crack in his armor?
“No I won’t but the last time I thought we were ok you bit my head off then damn near marched me to death all while giving the look like you wanted to scalp me. How about you pick a mood for longer than a day and we’ll take it from there.” He grins pushing to his feet,
“Scalp you? Ha! You are definitely anything but boring. I’ll give you that. Come on, on your feet you ferocious she wolf you.” Levi helps me to my feet.
“As a sign of good faith we won’t go as far as I initially planned. There's a lake about 2 hours from here. I planned for it to be just a lunch stop but we’ll stay the night. You can take a bath, rest your feet.” I can’t keep the smile from my lips. Reaching up I touch the back of my hand to his forehead.
“Do you feel hot? Maybe you’re feverish?” Picking up my pack I hear Levi groan.
“I am not feverish, I’m trying to be nice.” Giggling I pat his arm,
“I know, I know, you’re ill and just don’t want to admit it. Don’t worry I’ll nurse you when we get there.” His face lights up giving me a mischievous grin,
“You have a deal.” Levi starts off walking; following him I feel like I just said ok to something and I have no idea what.