

She didn't mind it and opened the book. The moment she opened the book a fast wind began blowing in the room and all the things that were stick to the wall fell down. Jane crooked out in fear. She closed the book and dropped it on the floor and rushed downstairs to her mom. She told everything to her mom. She laughed and said,” I had never thought that you were also good at making jokes”. Jane replied,” I know you wouldn't believe me”. Saying this she went to Jen. Angry Jen laughed and said,” do you think I will be fooled by such little thing”. Jane answered,” Ok, if you want to know that it is true then come upstairs with me. Then I will show you”. Jen replied,”Ok I will come but if there was nothing, what will you give me”. Jane said,”Aaa... I will take you to pentovelline(old home)”. Jen's face got bright and said,”ok!let's go upstairs”. When they went upstairs to library everything there was like before.
part 5 coming soon.....