

The Mixed Blessings from COVID19

Putting the pieces together
Can the COVID-19 Pandemic be a blessing in disguise? The Constant reminders from the Media, (also from our families and friends) of how many people have been infected, how many have died and methods to protect ourselves from the Corona Virus help?

They are overwhelming and not to mention anxiety creating. Fear is not our friend. Living in fear isn't living. Can being at home for 6 months be a blessing? Perhaps yes, perhaps, not. Just to have a little more time to enjoy your life and time to smell the flowers and to work from home. For those of us fortunate enough to work from home, not having a commute has added time to our lives. In my case it has given me 2 extra hours a day. Not dealing with the stress of driving, the automobile costs and the dry cleaning costs have been a major blessing to me, I hope the same for you.

Life can be unpredictable and during times like this, our faith is being tested, perhaps this is only the beginning of the days to come. The crisis caused by the Corona Virus and the near total shut down to commercial activities and our daily lives, our communities and the world. Is it not nice to wake up and be healthy? To not have a respirator keeping us alive? Or to be able to get out of bed without any assistance, dress yourself, shower, dress and carry on with our lives.

And finally to appreciate simple things like being healthy, having food in the pantry? How about having tissue paper? Who could have thought tissue paper would become as hard to find as Diamonds or Gold? Do you appreciate having more time to be with your family, perhaps for some of us, not so much. Have you been counting your blessings more than your worries each and every day and giving thanks to the Lord?

The COVID19 has also caused a reductión of impulsive buying , less retail therapy and increased savings not to mention the cost of gasoline. Is gasoline really less than $1.50 a gallon? On another positive note, I have managed to cut back on impulsive buying, simple activities like running out during my lunch break are no longer necessary and it has been replaced by walking in the backyard and enjoying fresh air and nature. Perhaps a blessing, perhaps not. The discipline of spending less is coming true. Unfortunately this victory comes with a price for people who work in retail. I truly appreciate people who are front line customer service staff. I am grateful for caregivers to include Nursing Assistants, Nurses and Physicians, for without them we would be so much worse. Let's pray for them.

We cannot change what happens to us; however we can choose which thoughts we can focus on. In closing let's use positive mental attitude in our daily life. The following are I want some thoughts to ponder. In the Book of Philippians 4 verses 4-8 the Apostle Paul helps to with the text, "rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice." I find this especially important when something doesn't go my way. "Let your moderation be known to all men." "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God." "And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will Guardian your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. " I want to feel this peace. How about yourself? Finally brothers and sisters, what ever is true. What ever is noble, what ever is puré, what ever is lovely what ever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.

For more information, please hit me up and stay inspired, count your blessings and let's give thanks to the Lord and focus on what we can control. Peace, Shalom.

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