

Astral Room
Guiding the altered course with sharp-eyed perception, I weave through waves of probability, lighting the path with intent that cuts through the fabric of time, flowing backward into the Astral. I remain steady, searching for unwanted spirits lurking at the edges of my life's carefully manifested opportunities. My house stands, beautiful and unbreakable, with pathways rippling with transparent layers of parallel dimensions—each a doorway to different incarnations. With focused intent, I choose one and move down the dirt path beside a towering cobblestone wall.

Spirits shimmer, living in the unseen edges of physical existence, and I return to reclaim the stolen sequences of my free will. I enter the empty house of smooth, layered frequencies, where I can slip from one vibration to another, yet I remain still behind the chosen possibility.

I close the doors just enough to wait silently for the immaterial thieves who stole my lessons. Time bends, and in an instant, three dark spirits burst through the door. Without hesitation, I destroy each one. Calmly, I ascend to the portal room, the gateway to physical reality. I wait, knowing the portal hasn’t yet aligned with my intent.

A dense, dark aura floods the room, dimming my emotional light—a master of the spirit realm steps in. I declare that he won’t rob me of my remaining time like before. We clash, forces matched, but after relentless endurance, I defeat the forgotten entity.

The door to my living memories creaks open, and I awaken within my newly simulated body, encased within three-dimensional walls. I project my collected thoughts into the material realm, setting off a chain of causes and effects that may yet shift my standing in the metaphysical reality.

© Largemad [Largemad Parallax] 2024. All rights reserved.