

When Do Women Get Freedom
When do women get freedom?
It is not when she goes to a place of her choice or wears her favourite dress that women gets real freedom when she can make her own decision.
A girl was living in a traditional family. In her family, women had no opinion or decision of her own. It was the men of the family who made all the decisions. She was hated all this. Women should not eat until men have eaten, they have no right to study a lot, they should not go to distant places, they married very early and lived with their dreams hidden in their minds. She will have to drop out this year because her marriage is scheduled. She's not interested in this marriage and she got a scholarship to study in America. But her mother told her that "you're a girl, you don't know - how to make a decision. There are adults here to decide your life. You have to live by what they say". But she was never ready to forget her dreams. She decided to go to America. She told everyone about her decision. But even her mother didn't stand with her. In the end, she gives wings to her dreams. She went to America over everyone's objections. She studied well and got a job to stand on her own.
Today many girls in our society are sacrificed their dreams for others but only then can you rejoice when you start living for your dreams. If dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
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