

Revengeful Heartbreak
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.
I couldn't believe my eye bloodstained my clothes and apparently a long cerated kitchen was dwindled between my fingers as I think back to the day of my supposed to be wedding.
All I could remembered is Johnny Abraham's the love of my life since kindergarten ,we were supposed to get married a week ago in this extravagant and luxurious complex with the gold and cream adorning the chapel with bouquet of white Rose's filling the chapel from the podium to the entrance. bridesmaids dressed in light gold and cream dresses with a white rose in their hair to match the occasion.
Johnny my love was dressed in a plush tuxedo in the spitting imagine of a god explicitly gorgeous from his head to his toe while I was adorned in a lovely white wedding with luscious seashell from the cleavage of the dress to the long flowing effervescent of the dress with my make up done to perfection.
With the wedding almost into progress Johnny was no where to be found I couldn't believe it but i started to investigate the matter also to the fact one of bridesmaids couldn't be found either with my mind focusing on the inevitable I went to the back part of the chapel where there is aan outside bathroom I could hear constant moaning of pleasure fixated with heavy breathing.
I banged on the door a couple of times but no answer without hesitation I kicked the door and to my surprise there he was getting down and dirty the bridesmaid.I couldn't believe it he was standing there bracing forward with his hands on the bridesmaid bottom squeezing and slapping her ass while she held on to the face basin moaning in agony and pleasure I started to see red as flared up kicking and punching both of them without missing a beat instead of crying I stood there wondering what in the name of the devil was going and on our wedding day of all days ,I couldn't believe it.
He stood there with an unpleasant smirk on his face I shake my head in disgust trying to suffice my anger but it got the best of me .I started to punch over and over again while I scan the chapel that filthy bridesmaid that dares to cross me and my wedding day instead of she stood there infront of the alter altar begging for forgiveness.
Outraged and tempted yet shock I cancelled the wedding I told it was over without it even being started I said my apologies to the people whwho came the wedding that there wasn't going to be one.
After two weddings of putting what happen at the wedding behind me I got a call from johnny saying he going to bring the remaining of my belongings to my house in the nenext hour or so ,believe me I didn't know it would ended up like this I swear.
On his arrival he knockknocked on the door I opened it to let him in to my surprise he was inebriated he held a box with belongings in his hand while he entered into the kitchen he swears underneath his breath.He has the nerves to tell me that baby u missed you I never meant to hurt I am sorry darling the next thing I know I am pushed up against the wall getting slapped in my face repeatedly, head butts to my cranium leaving me seriously dizzy my mouth filled blood my eyes black and blue he then push me into kitchen counter hitting my ribs first I fall to the ground he started to kick me in my side aggressively and constantly I was in a haze of a dream.
HHe then step aside from me saying you bitch look what you have done I can't believe I have ever loved you.
He started to break the cups and the plates from the kitchen cabinet one by one he smashed them onto the floor ,I started to regained my strength little by little I got up from the floor holding onto the counter I pull out one of the drawers and take out one of the cerated knife held it behind my back he was startle when he realized that I wasn't laying on the ground anymore he came around the counter with his eyes focus on me like a bull raging out off it cage he then caught me off gaurd by slapping me in the face again I pull the knife from behind my back and stabbed him in his shoulder and his side he started to flinch in panic, I stabbed him again multiple times in his leg he started to screamed out in pain knowing my neighbors nextdoor they will hear the screaming and called the he came after me even though he hurt I retreated from the kitchen to the dining room in a hurry I miss a step and fall on my back he got a hold of me and started to punch me in my face as I round on top of him I bit him in his neck punch him his face he scream out immediately in pain he started to bleed heavy I skidded in some of blood and hit my head on the counter post .
The next I know I woke up with bright lights illuminated from and the siren of a police car , as the officer entered into the room he could see blood stain lining from the kitchen to the dining room he marked the area has a crime scene I know he wasn't dead because he was breathing heavy and his body was in shock as the police officer lift him up to put him on a stretcher ,another police officer came and asked me what happened I told that he is my ex husband I cancelled the wedding because I caught him cheating on me with one of the bridesmaid and I punched both of them in their face and left the chapel, he called me today that he was going bring the rest of my belongings to me today .I told that when he came over he was inebriated and he started to insult me and then he began to hit me in my face giving a black eye, punching me and kicking me in the stomach . I told him the police officer that I only act in self defense because I didn't do something to protect myself he was going to kill me .
The police officer took my statement and then told me that me I need a doctor to tend my wounds ,I did do what the police officer said and got treated for my mild concussion and bruises
He was treated of his injuries and was put into custody for questioning and then later charged for assualt and battery, harassment and bodily damage and the intent to murder he was put behind bars and I was left broken and beaten with a fear that he will find me one day and end my life ,I never someone so sweet could be so aggressively malicious he was out of my life for good but the fear of him hurting me like he did will always be there to haunted me at nights.