

The horrible necklace.
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer and suddenly she got inside the shop, there was no one inside it except the diamond necklace on the mannequin. She wasn't thinking about how she had entered inside the shop without breaking and opening the door and window. The only thing that was moving in his head is all about the necklace. She was extremely lost in thinking of the necklace, it was seeming like the diamond necklace had hipplotied her. Then slowly slowly she went near and near the necklace and took out it from the mannequin. After taking out the necklace suddenly the floor started shaking and she reached to a very different and strange place. She was inside a very deep and dark forest. It was looking very horrible. She got very scared by finding herself in the forest and when she looked on her neck she found the diamond necklace on her neck. She was unable to understand anything what's going on. In the hope of help and finding the way out of forest she started walking. But after going a some distance, susurprisingly she heard someone 's voice. Therefore she followed the voice but when she reached there she found a very old lady, who was sawing her back.back. To talk to the lady for the way she went front of her. But she waswasn't no what will be going on with her. When she went close to the lady,the lady gripped her hand strongly. She was trying to release her hand from the lady but she failed.
She screamed loudly "leave my hand, please leave me". By saying that her mom came and wakes up her and asked what happened? why are you screaming?
She was shocked by sseeing her mom beside her. Then she noticed that she was in her room. And then she understood it was her horrible dream, she was seeing a dream about the necklace and forest.......