

First love
There was a girl who was very strong and very determined but not that attractive who lives with his father .Her mother left the world at early age .she was studying in a school and was always average in her studies. The boy was very handsome and excels in his studies and he was in same class with her but was always distant with other students.His father is a business and mother is a house wife .she loved him at her first sight and always used to hang around him .At first boy doesn't pay much attention to her but slowly he starts to care and love her.After the completion of their school they had to be apart as he wants to become successful in his career and wants to help the people by becoming a doctor .But the girl had no ambition and her whole world revolves around him .she wants to be always with him and help him in his career so she decides to become a nurse .At first she wants to become a nurse for him and help but slowly her passion towards helping the people grows and becomes a nurse in the same hospital as him.Then the bond them grows much stronger and they lead a happy life together .