

Shameless Self Promotion
I’m grateful for every misstep, struggle, problem, issue, mistake, and disappointment I have had in my life. Not because I can use them as an excuse, a reason for pity and sympathy, or as something to remove myself for responsibility, but because they made me who I am today; A person full of love, compassion, understanding, creativity and empathy. It is not ego when I say I am awesome. I don’t not need others to see me as awesome for as far as I am concerned the only person I have to impress at the end of the day is me. And just because I think I am awesome that doesn’t mean I think myself above or better that any one (pssst.. I think most other people are pretty awesome in their own right too). My life may not look like much from the outside; I am not rich, famous, powerful or influential. I’m broke most of the time, frustrated, and pretty messy, but I am content. I do not need much to be happy. I’ve had absolutely nothing and still wasn’t as miserable as most would be. I have a strength of character few possess. After all my rug pulls, face plants and utter epic fails, instead of becoming angry, bitter, or unwilling to try anymore, I’ve found that the exact opposite has occurred. I instead of giving in to all the negativity that life seems to force you into feeling; I love more laugh more and share more. I have no problem understanding that the world is cruel, unfair and brutal and I know that not every story is going to have a happy ending, but even if I knew for a fact that nothing I did would ever amount to a hill of beans I would still do still try still fight. I know the odds are stacked against me but I don’t care. Im gonna keep pushing. So bring it on world im gonna push on, up and through or die trying. I know this is nothing but shameless self promotion, but why not? If you don’t toot your own horn somebody else is going to use it as a piss pot. But you want the secret and the chance to write your our shameless self promotion? Forgive yourself and others, love yourself completely, have faith in what you can do, forget about what anyone else thinks of you, and own your whole life flaws, faults and all. These things are not easy to do but they are possible. So I’m going to go bask in my own awesomeness for a bit, always gives me a laugh. In the end find the strength that I know you have inside you somewhere and good luck with you personal journey, and keep up the good fight.