

Once their once lived a mouse named Maylin. She lived with her parents that lived beyond the hills of belonging woods call Medina. As the years went on and as Maylin got to the age of 21, Maylin was looking for a job and get a place of her own she saw a sign that signified to sign up for the air force base Maylin did little did she know she is in for her destiny. A super attendance in the office (in a voice so decent): "Hey kid you lost?" Maylin: "N-n-No". Super attendance: "Then here are some papers to sign here kid, I hope you brought your ID, social security card, and birth certificate with you." Maylin in confusion: " But why?" super attendance: " kid did you walk in the doors to employ to this job?" Maylin signed up for the air force. Super attendance: "Please take a seat and wait to be called in." Maylin sat down on a chair and waited to be called in. Sargent Senitam (in a shouting voice): Maylin immediately got up from the chair. Sargent Senitam: "You've been recruited take the first bus out to the air force base to start your training for your aircraft and here is your paper to prove you have been recruited by me." Maylin went home to her here things said her goodbyes to her parents and took the first bus to the air force base. Maylin was so scared for her life not to know the unknown but risking her own life. The bus arrived at the air force base to start her training on the air force base. A solder got on the bus and said (in a sterned voice): " Alright you maggots check in the headquarters and go to your assigned sleeping area with your belongings!" Maylin got her stuff, checked in the headquarters that gave her the assigned sleeping area and the same day they've started to train us 30 years went bye Maylin graduated her training and assigned her the F-18 plane craft her first mission was to bomb the Carthgata. Mayling got in her plane and took off for her mission when she got to Carthgata the war was crazy she was hit and her plane plunged into an unknown area Maylin survived the crash she was trying to contact the dispatch to pinpoint her location so she got her stuff that she needs food, water, and a radio to try to find a point where she can contact the dispatch. Maylin walk for miles on end encountering unknown species and plants, she came across a nice village that came to welcome her. The queen of the village greeted her and said: "Ento le tapa" translation (who are you.) Maylin told the queen her name. The queen took her in to spend the night she gave her food and water. The queen taught her all of the species in the area and everything that she needed to know. The next day she packed everything that she needed and the queen with a knife in her hand came at Maylin Maylin defend herself with a knife that the queen had and stabbed her and ran off to the pinpoint to contact the dispatch when night can Maylin made her self a shelter to rest for the night she had a dream about her family then she saw a bone pile of the eaten in her dream she ran and ran then she woke up and panted then calm down. Maylin continues to the pinpoint. Maylin found the pinpoint and contact the dispatch for help and they came and rescued Maylin to bring her back to the air force base. Maylin asked: "Did we win the war in Carthgata?" The soldier who picked her up: " Yes we won the war."

Director and the writer
Jaba bama

Came up with the idea
Jaba bama