


(Trust Tested)

The bright morning sun rays woke Seza up from her sleep. She checked the time on her phone; it was already 8 in the morning. She jumped from the bed, thinking she was late for school, then realized yesterday was the last day of school. She felt relieved and again lied down in bed, covering her face with the blanket. After an hour, she got a call from Artav. She was still sleepy, and after a long ring, she received the call. Artav told her to get ready, and in a sleepy tone, Seza asked him, "Where are we going?"

Artav replied, "You keep on sleeping. Don't you want to join the winter crash course for our boards? Every time I need to remind you, right? Get up fast, don't be lazy."

Seza responded, "Aatu! I am not lazy. Instead, I was sleeping longer today for the last time till my boards. Thank you for reminding me. Love you. I'll get ready. Bye. See you."

Artav said, "Okay, then I am coming."

They both went for admission in the new winter crash course. While on the way, Seza met her cousin, Ana, who said she had already bought three forms for Seza, Artav, and herself. They started filling them and submitted them to the office. While checking the notice, they found that their classes were starting from next week. They met many of their friends from the old school, and they were all excited to attend the classes soon. Ana started living at Seza's place, and they both planned to study together for a month. While Artav visited sometimes for group studies. Everyone was enjoying the winter break, meanwhile, they were studying
day and night, working hard for their boards.

Even though Artav and Seza were not meeting often, their bond and their love were still the same as before. They spent hours talking on the phone. Seza enjoyed sharing her room with Ana, who was very kind-hearted. She loved Seza with all her heart and was very happy to see the glow on Seza's face after breaking up with Avisel. She found Artav perfect for Seza. Sometimes Ana would ask Artav about his commitments towards Seza, and he would reply by saying, "Seza is my life and my champ. My life would be a mess without her. I will always keep her happy and love her immensely. If I ever hurt her, you can come and kill me." Ana found it sweet and cute and always prayed for Seza and Artav's good life together.
After a week, Artav, Seza, Ana, and Arshana all went for the winter crash course classes in Artav's car. They were happy to see their old friends, introduced each other, and took their seats. Artav, Seza, Ana, and Arshana used to stay in the same bench. Their first day there was awesome. After class, they used to spend some hours together and then go back home. Like this, it continued. Seza could see Artav busy these days with his cellphone. She asked him about it, and he said he was busy with his sister. She asked about the sister, but after a long gap, he said it's his neighbor, and she ignored it.

Seza started maintaining a diary where she used to write about her daily activities, how her days went, about Artav, etc. One night after dinner, after finishing her diary writing, she talked to Ana about the first meeting of her and Artav. After that, Seza called Artav, but they

hardly talked for a few minutes, as Artav said he was feeling sleepy and couldn't talk; he just wanted to sleep. Seza considered he was tired and let him sleep. Seza wasn't feeling sleepy, so she thought of using Facebook, but she didn't have an account. She thought of using her dad's phone for a while, just to check Artav's Facebook page. She briskly walked towards her dad's room and saw everyone was sleeping. It was almost 12 at night, and she saw her dad's phone charging. She slowly disconnected the charger and went to her room with her dad's phone. First, she opened her dad's Facebook and searched for Artav. She saw Artav's timeline was full of their pictures, which made her happy. Then she went to WhatsApp; she just wanted to see the conversation between Artav and her dad. She saw Artav's name, and his WhatsApp display picture was of her and him, and his status was ("Aatuse_ 27.03.18💓"). She opened the conversation and started reading. It was all about good morning and goodnight messages and games. They used to chat frequently, which made her happy. While scrolling through the conversation, she noticed that Artav was online. She checked it twice, and he was still online. She was really disheartened by his behavior, so she turned off her dad's phone and kept it in his room and came back to her bed. She wasn't able to sleep and started overthinking. "Why did he lie to me?" These words were killing her inside. She didn't realize when she fell asleep. Next morning, she woke up and stayed quiet for a while, thinking that she shouldn't overthink. Maybe he slept with his data on. It's not that big of an issue; she should not react. So she calmed herself and forgot about it, thinking positively. As usual, Artav came to pick her and Ana and went for classes. That evening again Artav disconnected her call after a few talks and saidhe was feeling sleepy. Seza felt it was due to lots of studies, and he might be tired, so she let him sleep. But her inner feelings were not letting her believe his words. She again checked Artav's WhatsApp from her dad's phone. It was almost 2 in the night, and again she saw him online. She took it in a positive way and thought maybe today also he forgot to turn off his data. She thought of talking about these matters with him tomorrow.

Next day, she completely forgot about it, as she saw Artav's love towards her, which made her forget all those things. She was completely lost in his love. By seeing Artav's love and his commitments towards her, she felt it was useless to doubt him. She regretted doubting unnecessarily by seeing him online without a reason. She thought not to check her dad's phone again. Unfortunately, the next day, she was about to sleep, but she didn't receive any
call or text from Artav. She tried to call him, but he didn't receive the call. Around the third time, he received and said he was not feeling well and just wanted to take rest, and then the call disconnected. Seza's balance was over, so she tried to call again, but due to insufficient balance, she didn't get a chance to call him. She felt worried and didn't call him back, thinking he might be sleeping. Seza was feeling worried and just wanted to hear him say he is okay now. She really missed him. She thought of calling him once and brought her dad's phone, and was about to call when she checked the time; it was 11. She was about to call when her eyes went to the notification button , and there was a text from Artav on her dad's phone. She opened the text, and the last message was sent at 7 pm. She felt crushed doubting him. Her eyes went to his display picture, which was empty, and his status was also empty. Even on Facebook, every picture of theirs was deleted. She felt sad. She saw him online again, and that was the last straw. That day, she randomly texted him to clear her doubt. She texted him "Good night" from her dad's phone, and as soon as the text was sent, Artav replied, "Good night uncle, take care." Seza was shocked, disappointed, and broken. She never thought Artav would do that to her. From the past few days, it was true, Artav didn't forget to turn off his data; instead, he was online, and his excuses about being tired and sleepy were all lies. She cried a lot, and Ana woke up and asked her what happened. Seza told her everything from the past few days and started crying aloud in Ana's arms.That night, Ana consoled her and helped her sleep. The next day, Seza met Artav and asked him about the reason for removing the pictures and status. He got aggressive and rudely said, "I didn't feel like keeping them, so I removed them." Those words and the way Artav said them were literally painful to Seza; she never expected it. With tears in her eyes, she went inside the class. That day, Artav didn't come to Seza; he ignored her and stayed with his old friends during classes.

After the class, Artav was waiting for Seza, and he pulled her hand and apologized for his rude behavior. But Seza started shedding tears. Artav comforted her and made her calm. He knew that Seza had a soft heart and would feel hurt and sad for little things, so he handled her carefully. Everything was sorted out.
It's been a week since Artav and Seza's conversations on the phone were decreasing day by day. Artav always used to make excuses, while Seza's health was not good. When calling Artav, someone else would often receive his call, saying he was not at home or had gone somewhere. It was very painful for Seza; she felt ignored. Artav never used to call her; every time Seza used to call him. Artav was not like before, he started changing. In class, Artav changed his desk and used to sit with others, ignoring her. Seza was completely hurt. One night she called him and asked about his changes; he said that due to study pressure, he didn't feel like talking and his health was not good. Seza tried to ask about his health issues, but he denied saying. That night, they talked for almost two hours, and the conversation ended. Seza felt happy; she slept peacefully after so long.The next day, Seza and Ana went to class. That day, Artav didn't come; he had already informed Seza that he would not be able to attend. As Seza was about to enter the class, Arshana pulled her hand and said, "Did you see the Instagram?"

Seza replied, "No! I don't use it!"What's wrong? Why are you so panicked?"

Arshana: "I am sorry to say, but I just saw Artav and a girl's picture on Instagram, with heart emojis and love captions."

Seza: "What? But he went to the hospital for treatment! Maybe it's a throwback."

Arshana: "No, Seza, it's from yesterday. He was live on Instagram too."

Seza: "This is not possible, he was sick."

Arshana: "Don't think me wrong, but once you check it."

Seza asked Arshana to show her the picture, but their classes started, and they went.

After going home, Seza asked Ana to install Instagram. Ana installed it and saw the picture of Artav and the girl. It was sad and hurtful. The picture showed Artav and the girl close, with the girl in Artav's arms and his hand around her shoulder. Seza kept looking at the picture, unaware that her phone screen was wet with tears. Ana hugged her and suggested she call Artav to clear things up, but Seza was completely lost. She unknowingly reacted with a like on the picture, and as soon as she did, Artav deleted it.

Seza was disheartened and sad when Artav called her. Seza spoke normally, not reacting. But inside, Seza wanted to scream and ask him about it. Finally, she opened her mouth and asked. Artav got furious and started blaming her, saying, "Seza, you know you are so damn possessive. You always react quickly. Can't you see it's my sister? You are just making it bigger. I don't know what's wrong with you nowadays; you don't even trust me. You always come up with silly reasons, like deleting the pictures, uploading with sisters. It hurts me too. Am I a robot? I too have emotions, I too have a friend circle, I too have others beside you. I just can't always hang over to you. Just stop overthinking and stay calm. I love you, OK? That needs to matter to you the most, but randomly you are pointing out my behavior. Today I am really hurt; you just didn't point to me; instead, you pointed towards my love. And it hurts the most, because of it, I simply removed that picture. Hope you are feeling happy."
He disconnected the call. Seza tried to call him, but it was off. It was the first time in their 11 months of relationship that they had a discussion and fight. Seza tried to call a lot, but it was still off. Seza started regretting; she felt she shouldn't have doubted him. She felt bad and sorry towards Artav. She felt guilty for doubting his love. She didn't have any option; she sat on the floor and cried loudly until she felt relief, but she was still in guilt. She promised herself not to doubt again.

It was almost 5 hours since his phone was off. Seza was regretting her words. She just wanted to clear things up soon. After trying a lot, finally, Artav's phone was reachable. She called him and apologized for her mistakes; she cried a lot over the phone and apologized a lot. Artav too cried and forgave her. After a moment, everything was sorted out, and Artav asked Seza to meet him. It was around 4 o'clock in the evening. Seza asked Ana to convince her parents and make some excuses.
She went to meet Artav.
As Seza went inside his car, Artav's eyes were wet and swollen. Seza regretted it. She couldn't face him. Artav pulled her closer, hugged her, and said he was OK.

Seza felt relieved after hearing that. They went for a drive and spent hours talking. After that, everything was OK. But they both didn't know that it was their last drive.