

a rapper and a poet and a story that will inspire the down and the out.

Don't worry if that first poem was a little confusing. these are all just fragments. This is a true story. a rapper and a poet met in a trap house in columbia deep in Missouriland. take these poems songs stories directions and letters as a preview to the greatest story of determination and 2nd chance ever written. this love story is one for the ages. actresses and actors will have careers made solely by their appearances in this epic. disclaimer: the females have been exaggerated to a greater level of attractiveness to protect the average lame chicks of the phoenix Valley. the lyrics of songs have been left raw as fuck to not disguise their potential for crushing the spirits of the heartbroken and dying. hey fake ones- Don't you know i am moving on from you at the slightest sign of treachery or even worse at the slightest sign that you lack the necessary faith in this rock solid lover of your heart and well being. ride or die. ride or die or my people will drop you in the desert. many fragments,that's many pieces of the story are all you get now, ha, just like in real life. for instance, as strong as Bobby is he is a weak swimmer. this information won't save him from drowning right now will it?

men died in their addiction before i could find the words necessary to save them from their disease. if i could have written to inspire them then than they would still be among us. that's on my conscience forever. i wasn't a good enough writer to save chace or warren or sarah back then. but you'll see me save many with my pen like bill wilson.

this shit of life is all about rushed production and potential. you’ll feel it for sure once the novel hits the shelves. one day, all of what you read or hear will make perfect sense and the storyline will too, well there will one day actually be a storyline. then a finished story. then a movie. then a second movie. they will win numerous awards. oh yeah, june will make an album but he won't be called june anymore. eddie will marry a good woman and all the sluts and hoes in this collection will be pissed. mary #1 will always be number one. she's gonna have a beautiful child to take care of. I'll be the father. ashley will still be a cunt.p but great with the brush and in the sheets. so will Ashlee. so will meri. Jesus will still save a bunch of people. so will AA meetings. so will the power of rap music. my poetry will live forever just like the songs invented from the heavy poetry of poor living.

more young black kids from the projects will start playing blues music. bobby won't get shot through the chest again and be out of the hospital in three days. from the jump will be a #1 billboard single. june won't be single very long after he covers that river.

yes, take these words as the book of revelations. nothing written by men who are inspired by the cross should be taken as nonsense. everything is truly possible. each man has a choice. be good. or be evil. and women rule the hearts of men. so a good women is the only thing that can make a good man.

© Edward Storm