

Once there lived a girl who hated darkness. Everyone made fun of her and teased her when she say that. But one day she was in her school enjoy that day. Some friends gathered and played a game. They turned of the light and closed the windows and started played. at that time she thought she would be scared, sometimes she gets panic attack due to the darkness. So she closed her eyes. There was her friends standing beside her they calmed her and stayed with her. She didn't felt anything strange. Beside she was feeling good. That day she realised why she hated darkness. It was all because she cryed in the darkness every night. She talked to herself all the night because there was no one for her to talk how she felt. That stucked in her mind and changed her sadness into fear.

(just find the reason for your fear. don't fell for the people who mocks you. And you will success) 😉
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