

Deceitful Delilah Chapter 5 (Finally together )

I knew something was wrong but I couldn't pinpoint what it was..
I knew I felt lifeless in my body and my spirit.
I hear somebody talking and I want to open my eyes but I can't.
Everything came rushing back though, I met Jay and went to see Tiff. She told us how she played us and then she got a gu....

" Jay???" I started to scream but I don't think I was being heard. "Oh God Jay. Not again" I cried but it seems no one was hearing me.
"Oh merciful father I don't wanna die please don't let me die"
I could hear voices around me but now things were coming into focus and it sounded like Jay.

"Choice baby if you can hear me you got to wake up, its been two months baby please" I felt his palm touch mine and a wave of electricity ran through my body and I knew I couldn't stay asleep any longer..
I squeezed his palm so that he would know I could hear him and then my eyes fluttered open.Why he gotta be so damn fine?
"Your awake" he smiled.
"Where is Tiff?" I know I know I shouldn't be worried about her but I really couldn't help it.
"Let me get the doctor and then we will talked about that ok babe"
I nodded my head as he got up to walked away.
A few minutes later he came back with the doctor..
"Good morning Mrs Montez I am doctor Andrews and am just going to check your vitals and then I can write up your release form if everything is ok.
Your wound from the gunshot as healed since you have been asleep for two months but you had hit your head when you fell so that's the reason for your sleeping.
We were worried that you may have amnesia when you wake up but after your Ctscan result came back we realise your brain activity was fine.It seems you were just tired".

"I feel fine" I told her because I did.
"Yes and you look great too,everything seems to be ok just let me check you heart beat" she said opening my gown."Ok yes everything is perfect you will be able to leave later today.All the best to you both" And with that she left.
Jay came back to my side and held my hand and kiss my palm.
That felt good!
"Tiff is in a mental institute "
"Wait what?" I said slowly easing up
"She was knocked out after she shot you by our neighbor who had heard the commotion and came rushing in but when she came to the back door she saw Tiff with a gun by the time she came in she had already fired one bullet and that bullet hit you right below your heart.I took a deep breath while mentally thanking God that I didn't die.

"Our neighbor knocked Tiff out with a golf club" Jay continued. "Someone heard the shot and had called 911.When the the paramedics arrive you had already lost a lot of blood".By now he was teary eyed like he was about to cry. I squeezed down on his palm to give him reassurance that I was still here.

"They took you to the hospital and took our neighbor Mrs Armstrong and I down to the police station for questioning.
After an recount of what happen we were released and sent home but I came straight here.Did you know Tiff had a dad?" He asked oblivious that she did.
"Yea she has a dad but her mom is dead....at least that's what she told me" I answered sighing.
This whole damn scenario just feels like a script from lifetime from movie.


I am here recounting everything to Choice but all I am thinking about is how many ways I could be pulling her hair right now.
This girl had the longest genuine black hair have ever seen and even though she was asleep for two months her damn hair still looks gorgeous how does she do it?.
"Jay babe you ok?" I heard her from my abyss trying to get my attention."They should have named you angel"I said kissing her palm again..
"Let me finish telling you what happen" but she held my shirt and pulled me close to her and kiss me senseless..
Her lips dance upon mine like a hot chocolate on a snowy day.

Sparks and a flame that were dormant for two years suddenly ignite and I could feel my hairs standing on end and I knew that heaven was smiling because two halves of a broken heart has reconnected again.
She pulled away licking her lips and that had my dick doing the happy dance.... Down boy!!!
"Well let me finish" I said trying to keep my feelings in. "Her dad walk in the hospital the next day after the incident with loads and loads of prescription and a letter from a psychiatrist that his daughter was legally insane and a person of unsound mind can't be sentence for crime. The police came and took her and when I inquired they said she was going to a mental institute"
"And your son?" I asked really concerned about his well being. No child should have live without a mom.
"Oh he is with our neighbor" Jay quickly answered. "He didn't even asked about his grandchild" sounding hurt that the man did not ask about his grandson.
"Am sorry Jay" Choice whispered and she pulled me in for a hug.

When we had finally arrived back at the house I ran Choice a bath and left her to wash herself. I then went next door to get my son but he was asleep so Mrs Armstrong said I should leave him until morning as Choice and I must have a lot of catching up to do.

Choice was just getting out of the bath when I walked back in and she was rapped in nothing but a towel.
I wanted to turn around but my eyes were glued to this Greek goddess that stood there in front of me.
She turned around and saw me and she didn't even attempt to hide.
"Have you seen my phone?" She asked "my mom must think I am dead".I was so awed by her body that I didn't even hear her.
"Jay" she called my name so angelic.
"Yea" I answered oblivious to what she was asking.
"Mom phone"
"Oh yea your mom she had called.I had to tell her what happen because your phone kept ringing and I had no choice but to answer. She said she couldn't afford the plane fare to come here so I called her everyday and kept her updated"
I walked across the room and pick up her phone from the chest of drawers and handed it to her."Thank you for doing that Jay"

She dialed and place the phone to her ear. "Mom it's me Choice, yes mom am ok , am feeling great , leave Tiff to God mom," I listened to the one sided conversation and smiled they obviously had a lot to talk about so I got to work picking up some clothes off the floor.
After about half an hour I heard her saying goodbye.
" Yes mom I will be going back to school, ok bye I love you". And then she hung up.
She was trying to re wrap the towel and it fell to the floor instead. It puddled around her feet and my eyes dazzled at the treasure before me.

Her full B-cup stood at attention pointing like an arrow in my direction and my mouth watered at the thought of how they must taste. My eyes drift down low to the triangle of soft curls just below her navel, how I wish I could berry my face there and taste the essence of her arousal.
I wanted to turn around I really did but my eyes just kept roaming..
"Please put some clothes on" I begged her but my eyes remained glued to the prize in front of me...
"Why?" She asked "Is my body that ugly?"
"No your beautiful that's why I am begging you to put some clothes on".

She pick up her towel and wrap it around her and took a seat on the bed with her head hung low..
She was hurt I could see it but how will I stop myself if I kept staring.I sat beside her contemplating my next words carefully.

"I have cried myself to sleep every night thinking about you.
Thinking you were dead, every time I made love to her I pretended it was you. I only stayed with her because she was close to you and I thought that a part of you was living somewhere inside her.
I want to touch you Choice" I said lifting her chin so she would look into my eyes and believe my sincerity.
"I really want to but if I do all this want that I have been hiding will just overcome me and I won't be able to stop myself from touching you the way I have been dreaming about touching you for the past two years..
And I don't know if your ready for that as yet. I don't wanna rush anything.


"How do you think I feel? Do you think its anyway different from how you feel?. I interrupted him.
There are no more tears left inside of me. I have bellowed every time it hit me that you were dead and I won't get to see you again and as time flew by I realised that your face was slipping from my memory and I couldn't stop it and I weep even more.

I cried every time Tiffany called and I cried when she didn't. At least you were making love, I cried every time I thought about making love because I only wanted to give you that part of me but there was no you.
I contemplated giving myself to some one else but my heart or my body wasn't agreeing with my mind".
By now tears were running down my face but I had to continue.
"Now your here and I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but I want you to fuck me!!! Take my pride Jay , make love to me better than you made love to her, show me what I have been yearning for.
I lost you once Jay this goes to show that nothing in life is permanent and in a split second you could lose the only person that makes you happy so am not waiting no more tonight I want you to give me all you got, show me what you been missing and fuck me like there is no tomorrow"
© Nattania Higgins