

A different turn ( PART 2)
So, technically , I was quite pissed cause Jane didn't come and now I was with beauty gurus and feeling bad about my self. Most annoying part of the journey was them talking about trash I call "Make up". I hate putting on any in the first place had second.......it's just irritating!

Also , I hate it when boys start thinking that I dressed up for them! I mean , boy ,pleaseeeeee !!!! First of all I hardly dress up  , and second I dress up according to my mood and when my " aunt FLOW" is visiting! (For the idiots who didn't understand that , my period) .

Now, all through flight ,I was reading a book and I honestly wanted to beat the crap out of myself because the couple in that book were just too good and I wanted to drop the act of i-love-that-im-single , cause I didn't and I still don't!!!!

I dated a guy for nearly a year , but I probably shouldn't mention that!

Why , you ask?

Cause he was FRACKING GAY!!!

I don't have any problem with him being gay , but WHY THE HECKK DID HE DATE ME!!!!!!!

Also it was a reall bummer cause the guy was hott!

Anyways we finally reached the goddamn airport , took our luggage and all the girls I went with started swooning!!! (As expected , lil bitches )

"What the heck were you expecting , drainage dogs coming to lick your ass?  This is LA and you're gonna be swooning all day if you start getting impressed by That!!!! "

I said all this  , only to realise that no one even heard me!

" Well , I guess it's just you and me huh?"said Mellisa .

She was the only creature civilised enough to not drool over street Dawgs!

(To be honest , that one guy bent over and he was kinda hot)

I quickly texted mom cause obviously my bratt head off a sis would have forgotten that she's still under parental control for a year!

So I was the one who called em up. I told my mom we were good and we reached safe and the only thing I got from her was

," don't do anything funny , cause I'm not ready to be a grandma"

she sounded sleepy yet she had to make a joke.

"Yes ma , sure , I'll convey that to Joan!" And she chuckled .
My mom was pretty cute and I loved her alot.

Anyways me and Mellisa started walking over to the mansion that my boujee had booked for us! Yes , boujee ! One of my friends is a boujee!! Deal with it cause I had to too.

The mansion was at walking distance from the airport so we didn't think booking a cab was a good idea.

We all split up cause there was no frackin way all of us were fitting or even wanted to fit in one room! So I was sharing rooms with Rach and Mads so I was quite happy! I was quite tired after the journey and we're going out to explore in the evening so that all of us could have some rest.

So my eyes pretty much gave up on me and I opened the wrong door !

I frackin saw the worst nightmare of my life , a couple making love and I wanted to puke!

I closed the door fast enough .

Although those two didn't stop even after they heard I entered.

Mental image OUT!!!

So I figured I was way way too tired and it was just 2:45 am so I slept as soon as I hit the pillow!
Gosh that bed was cosy af !

I wanted someone to hug me but sadly  , I was f- ing SINGLE!!!!



Whatever , we had a good four hours sleep , we all set our things , took a good shower and went to have breakfast and the food was plate licking fantastic ! I had three serves and swear could have eaten more but Nora was giving me bad looks!!!

Finally ,by  noon , our stuff was settled and we were ready to head out!!!!

One thing about LA was that almost everyone was making out at every corner and I hate couples! I felt like throwing stones at them and shouting , " HE DOESN'T EVEN LOVE YOU SLUTT" .

But then I restrained myself from having tomatoes thrown on me , cause I liked the dress I was wearing!! Hehe , saweyy!! We pent about two three hours at the mall
. Joan and Nora bought so many clothes. Now it was around 7:00 pm.

I was walking beside Nora and Rach and then suddenly got a pat on the back! I turned , to see a crowd of people with no idea who must have called me but just then my eyes fell on a note near my foot with my name on it and I picked it up!

It said ," Not everyone you love stays for ever!
And we all must be prepared for 'em to die!
Hope you're ready for this one!"

I stopped and this cold shiver ran through my spine and I was scared , was this really for me or was this a joke ! or was I truly in trouble....?

© HennaG