

Why can't we stop someone from being a bully? (Humanity Part 2)
The whole idea behind being mean or appearing to be mean is useless, because there is no reason behind being mean. Well, you might say someone bullies you because they hate you, but that could be due to some other reason related to the Bully's life. You can only call someone mean if they reach that extent of harming you. You can't call your teacher's or parents mean cause they scold you, but obviously there is reason behind that too. You can call someone mean, if they don't have a reason to be mean, like if they just bully you cause they like too. Being mean cannot be stopped as it's human nature, every human being has been angry or acted stubborn at one point in his or her life, it's just the mindset which reaches an extent, where it starts harming an individual intentionally.
Also, if you think about it, punishing someone or being mean is important in human life. If, for instance we take a situation where everyone on earth stopped being mean or stopped punishing others, peace would completely disappear as everyone will become fearless and will do anything they want. Which is why people have created a government and a law, to keep everything in control.

Thanks for reading!!!!
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