

From the Shadows of War to the Brink of Deportation: Caydid's Unbroken American dream
Caydid's life began amidst the chaos of war in Somalia. Growing up in Mogadishu, he faced unimaginable hardships and the loss of his parents. But amid the turmoil, he held onto the hope of a better life.

His lifeline arrived in the form of a U.S. diversity visa. With dreams in his heart and little else, Caydid embarked on a journey to America. The land of opportunities greeted him with open arms, but success would require relentless determination.

Caydid immersed himself in English
classes and took on grueling jobs during the day while studying at night. Years passed, and he found work as a computer technician, but his immigration status remained uncertain.

One fateful day, immigration officers confronted him at work, delivering a deportation notice. Legal battles and emotional turmoil followed. Caydid found support in unexpected places, rallying for his cause with friends and strangers alike.

After years of struggle, a change in immigration policies granted Caydid a chance to regularize his status. With newfound security, he traveled, cherishing his hard-earned freedom.

Caydid's journey was a testament to resilience and the pursuit of dreams. From the shadows of war to the brink of deportation, he had not only found a new home but also discovered the strength within himself to overcome life's greatest challenges.